Un-Democratic Pols: Rid Us of Them!

By: soccerdem
Published On: 8/8/2007 10:43:15 AM

Just as the those who were all for the immoral war in Iraq ran for the hills because we weren't WINNING, and all was falling apart, never recognizing that they should have heeded morality and reason FROM THE BEGINNING, so too we see the rats deserting the sinking ship of the out-of-proportion unfair fines for driving violations.

We should heap scorn on and definitely never vote to elect or re-elect those Democrats who now are seeking to retreat from their so-called conviction that screwing the public is good for the commonwealth.  Those State senators and delegates, who now perform amazing feats of gymnastics attempting to turn 180 degrees while talking on both sides of their mouths, should be tossed by us onto the trashheap of politics, on top of the carcass of Jim Gilmore.

For example, why should I, a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat supporter, vote for a so called "Democratic" politician who agreed with and helped pass the bill banning same-sex marriage when all my instincts tell me that this is against the fairness and decency within my heart that made me a Democrat in the first place?

Why should I vote for a so-called Democrat who supports drivers getting shafted for a moving violation that I, myself, and probably you, the reader, could have, and probably did, commit many times, without being caught, during a very brief mental lapse of attention on the highway?

Attempting to weasel out of their original vote won't endear these politicians to me.  Their first vote was their their political will, it was wrong, their arguments stank, their attempted placement of the monies obtained from Virginians's fines was misdirected, and, finally, it was not in accordance with the guiding principles of the Party I believe in--the Party of the people, by the people, for the people. 


My feelings completely (Dianne - 8/8/2007 11:00:31 AM)
I think we've had enough of these DINOs who put their re-election before what is good for Virginia citizens.  There are good Democrats out there who will do the right thing and not get talked into something they know is wrong...just to get re-elected. 

Most times it's best to do the right thing the first time and to speak up about what you think is right and just.

I'll support Democratic challengers instead of Democratic incumbents (who take the wrong path) in future primaries !!!

Loose definitions and mischief with "abuser fees" (KathyinBlacksburg - 8/8/2007 2:17:05 PM)
One of the biggest difficulties is the looseness of the  standard for who gets levied "abuser" fees.  Much of the public asks why 'reckles' drivers shouldn't pay through the nose.

Yet, even those like myself (I haven't had a ticket in about 33 years), should worry. That ticket, which I successfully fought in court was because of a supposedly improper left turn."  Only trouble was that, until the intersection was being worked one week, the turn I made was always proper and allowed.  Workers removed the sign and "voila," it became improper.  I was doing what was legal for years, up until that week. Later as the work on the intersection was complete, the original sign was put back in place and the turn was legal again.  So, only a quirk made it "ticketable."  In short, I was had. Is this what we can expect -- manipulative, nefarious ticketing?  Will the police be rewarded in pay and promotions for how much they haul in?

Additionally, those like me, who have excellent driving records,  don't talk on a cell, eat, or fiddle with the CD player while driving are imperfect human beings.  Should we, despite our best efforts, err one day, that doesn't mean the state should exploit us. 

  The bottom line is this new approach to extorting money from those ticketed is a way to stretch the legal definitions of driving crimes.  What will cause an individual to have the escalated fines ("fees")?  The law is ambiguous.

It is conceivable that some police might use extraneous variables to determine who gets slapped with an abuser fee penalty.  Will your car decals prompt a policeman to designate you as an abuser?  Will the Democratic candidate you support tick a police offer off?

Finally, those here who have emphasized the the special risk to the poor are right on target.  I am not accusing the poor of worse driving.  However, the poor may be disproportionately unable to pay such tickets.  as has been noted, when licenses are suspended and desperate drivers need a way to work, are we more or less safe by the numbers of uninsured, unlicensed drivers increasing.  We can't emphasize this point enough.  It's one of those messy unintended consequences.

Someone needs to talk to Tim Kaine and urge him to eat some crow and do the best thing for the Commonwealth.  Revisit and resubmit the abuser fees legislation to the House of Delegates (and State Senate).  Barring that, we need litigation in every county in Virginia.  Right now, rulings in Arlington won't do a thing to help the rest of us.  Supporting infrastructure deserves support and now, more than ever, it is apparent how decayed our infrastructure is.  We must save the infrastructure from those who, ultimately, want to privatize everything.  Such individuals are dedicated to starving it and, as Grover Norquist has suggested "drowing it in the bathtub." Tim needs to save the infrastructure from the privateers.  Unfortunately, most likely with good intentions, he has played into their hands.

Kaine could still come out of this OK, if he admits he was wrong and will work on a better solution to keep our infrastructure healthy and Virginians moving.