Just for Fun: YouTube Showdown

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/6/2007 8:17:24 PM

So, who's better and why?  I'll tell you, there are some amazingly talented people on YouTube.


Compare to the original (Lowell - 8/6/2007 8:19:21 PM)

I don't know... (The Grey Havens - 8/6/2007 10:08:24 PM)
They all sound fantastic.

Of course, thanks to NCLB there's no support for music education, so in the generations to come, we'll have ignorant automatons who won't know how to carry a tune, play a chord, or hum... But they'll sure as hell know how to take a standardized test.

woo hoo...

Is there any place for art in Conservative America?

That guitar! (Ingrid - 8/7/2007 3:11:50 PM)
I like both, but I love the guy's 12-string guitar; it makes his version sound fuller than the lady's.  I've always wanted a 12-string.

He's amazing, isn't he? (Lowell - 8/7/2007 4:05:13 PM)
And he churns out a new song or two every day, it's impressive.

Yes! (Ingrid - 8/7/2007 7:39:20 PM)
I just checked out "If I Fell", and picked up the chord progression he uses.  This guy is good!