I'm planning on going to the Cubs v. Phillies on Thursday early afternoon at Wrigley and then heading down to catch the opening speaker (Howard Dean). Was also hoping to round up a team for the Pub Quiz on Thursday evening.
Anyway, would be interesting to see who from the site is going, as it would be cool to attach some faces to names and maybe toss some ideas around regarding '07 and '08.
I am probably overbooked, but I shouldn't be too hard to find, even outside of those sessions. I will be at the netroots candidate event
just a warning - one of the Members of Congress who is supposed to be participating told me that it looks like they might have votes through Friday night, in which case their participation could be limited. I am presuming that all presidential candidates participating will be there for their session, and I am supposing that the House leadership remembers they also have a commitment for a session. We'll see how it works out.