Petition Update - Latest Data

By: Eric
Published On: 7/24/2007 10:39:44 PM

Area (zip)Signature Count
Fairfax County (no specific zip)1686
ASHBURN (20147)1437
WOODBRIDGE (22193)1426
VIRGINIA BEACH (23464)1332
FAIRFAX (22030)1312
WOODBRIDGE (22192)1279
VIRGINIA BEACH (23454)1259
SALEM (24153)1245
MIDLOTHIAN (23112)1241
ROANOKE (24018)1218
HERNDON (20171)1186
FAIRFAX (22033)1181
CENTREVILLE (20120)1165
CHESAPEAKE (23322)1132
VIRGINIA BEACH (23452)1109
VIRGINIA BEACH (23456)1053
LEESBURG (20176)1004
ROANOKE (24019)982
The table above shows the top twenty zip codes (or named regions where specific zip was not provided) in terms of number of signatures on the Anti-Civil Remedial Fee Petition. This table contains data through the 150,000 mark and is relatively clean - all duplicates and most other garbage has been removed. Sure looks like the NOVA region is unhappy with this new law. And Virginia Beach also makes a strong showing.

There were over 157,000 signatures as of this evening at 10pm. Let's keep pushing and drive it over 200,000.


Go Arlington! (MohawkOV1D - 7/24/2007 11:38:52 PM)
Glad to see the young, politicaly active, uber connected movers and shakers are contributing to the effort.

That is a little strange (Eric - 7/25/2007 9:27:15 AM)
but I believe Arlington starts to make a strong showing just after the top 20.

The elected officials who really need to worry are the ones who supported (and voted for) this monstrosity and represent zip codes with large numbers of signatures.  In an off-off year election a couple of thousand angry people, who might not normally vote, could very well be the difference.

Go Virginia Beach!!! (elevandoski - 7/25/2007 7:40:30 AM)
Go Bobby Mathieson and Joe Bouchard!  Let's get these guys to Richmond to fix this thing!

Something else to think about (Eric - 7/25/2007 11:24:40 AM)
2003, the last off-off year election, there were approximately 1.3 million total votes cast.  The petition has approximately 155,000 signatures (removing duplicates and such) right now - which is about 12% of the total votes cast 4 years ago. 

I know this is very loose math, but 12 points could make a big difference in a number of contests.  Do you think JMDD and the Cooch are wishing they had that vote back?  I seriously doubt they'd be looking at a 12 point backlash for raising the gas tax by a few cents or even voting down the bill altogether.

Remedial Fee Petition Analysis (tmp - 7/25/2007 9:49:05 PM)
This topic has facsinated me.  A true grass-roots political movement.
I found a great website "VAGIS(dot)ORG" that has the complete list in pdf format and also great maps showing the distribution on signatories by zip code in proportion to population.  Interesting that the Hampton Roads area actually lags behind the bastion of the Roanoke Valley which appears to be leading, per capita, the rest of the state.
I have wondered whether this is because folks in Hampton Roads might be more frustrated by traffic problems than other regions and maybe this is seen as part of a solution. 
That website says that it'll be adding maps specific to political districts soon.  Wonder if that will open the eyes of some delagates and senators?

Cool site (Eric - 7/25/2007 10:03:01 PM)
That's sort of the direction I'm headed, except I'm way behind on my GIS skills.  Glad to see someone has put a map together - puts a nice visual on where the anger is.  And who needs to be worried.