Jeannemarie Has Got to Go (Kip - 7/20/2007 5:02:56 PM)
It is absurd to hit Virginia drivers with such a ridiculous method to pay for our dated transportation system. Not only is bad legislation, which does not address our traffic needs, but also it is unconstitutional. The 8th Amendment, "nor excessive fines imposed," seems clearly violated by a $3,000 traffic ticket.
Of course, it is better to solve disputes like this through the legislative rather than the judicial branch. Therefore, lets overturn this law and throw Jeannemarie Devolites Davis out of office.
Thank you Chap Petersen for running. Now if only we could get someone to setp up against Albo.
Quite right Chap! (goblue08 - 7/20/2007 5:28:23 PM)
These fees are outrageous and Jeannemarie has no concept of what real people want or need. No wonder she doesn't worry about these fees. If I had an $80,000 a year job for sitting in my McMansion, I wouldn't worry about them either.
This transportation bill is a sham. We need new leadership - we need Chap Petersen!!!!