WaPo Spins for Albo & Devolites Again

By: Albo Must Go
Published On: 7/17/2007 1:55:24 AM

Cross-posted at Albo Must Go

An Open Letter to the Washington Post & Tim Craig:

We at Albo Must Go read your latest front page article regarding "abuser fees" in the July 17, 2007 paper with concern. We recognize that Del. Dave Albo gives your paper lots of quotes. We also recognize that he serves as an off-the record source for much of your Richmond intelligence. After all, there are very few Republicans left in Northern Virginia and you all need someone. We also know that Del. Dave Albo is always good for a beer at your favorite watering hole and he probably knows a few good jokes.

But, we ask why - why must your paper never provide any reporting or analysis of Del. Dave Albo's conduct in its reporting on his activities? When running a stories about his "abuser fees," why do you never mention the #1 complaint against Del. Dave Albo - that he is a traffic attorney looking to pad his pocket? We said the same thing in our June 23, 2007 piece - AMG, Albo Creates An Angry Horde and Pads His Pockets.
We've said it repeatedly here:

AMG, The Ludicrous and Horrific Truth (July 5, 2007)
AMG, Albo Creates and Angry Horde and Pads his Pocket (June 23, 2007)
AMG, Albo Takes Two to the Jaw From the Right! (June 23, 2007)
AMG, The Albo & Oblon Abuser Fee Plan II (Mar. 24, 2007)
AMG, The Albo & Oblon Abuser Fee Plan (Apr. 19, 2006)

It's not like Albo Must Go is the only one saying this. Several Republican blogs have complained (AMG, Albo Takes Two to the Jaw From the Right! (June 23, 2007)). Many of the comments on the online Petition point this out and it is one of the issues cited in the Petition itself.
4. The bill's sponsor, Del. David Albo (R- 42nd District) is a partner in a law firm that specializes in traffic court cases and stands to benefit personally from this legislation. This type of conflict of interest should not be tolerated. Click Here For Petition.
Many other articles in Virginia have pointed it out and coupled it with vehement denials from Delegate Dave Albo. On the other hand, your paper mentioned in in brief passing one article buried in the Metro Section and didn't even have a quote from Del. Dave Albo about this.

Del. Dave Albo's conflict of interest on these fees is one of the biggest problems with this legislation and he also has a history of pushing legislation that push more clients to his business. If you read the comments section, many voters view it as corruption whether or not it technically constitutes a conflict of interest under Virginia's current laws.

All of this gives the impression that your paper cares more about protecting its sources and those in power rather than actually reporting the full story about what real people are saying. For example, in the very same story you quote Sen. Devolites-Davis: A Republican who has sent out seven mail pieces in the last 60 days touting her "leadership" pushing this "Transportation Plan" only to be quoted in your paper asking for a special session to repeal a major part of it.  Does your paper point out the fact that she was the primary sponsor of this plan in the Virginia Senate? WHY NOT?

Perhaps instead of writing articles giving your local quotables their opportunity to posture - PLEASE TRY TO REPORT THE NEWS - NOT THE SPIN.

Thank you.

The Management At Albo Must Go


The Post is a friend of Dave Albo (Chris Ambrose - 7/17/2007 12:45:45 PM)
I know of several letters to the Editor that have been sent to the Post over the past month that exposed Dave Albo's true motivation for passing this legislation:  To line his pockets by pushing business to his law firm's traffic violation business.  None of them have been published.

The Post did publish one letter that was clearly written using talking points provided by Albo which were full of inaccuracies.  No letters were published that pointed out the unbelievable conflict of interest that Albo had in pushing this legislation (and similar legislation in the past), and no passing reference was made to the Albo Malfeasance in the subsequent articles written by the Post. 

What is going on here?  It is indisputable that I have probably the most corrupt member of the Virginia General Assembly representing me and the Washington Post won't even give the conflict a passing mention??

The Washington Post... (Lowell - 7/17/2007 12:57:58 PM)
...is a pro-corporatist, pro-Iraq War, pro-"free trade," pro-"moderate" Republican (e.g., Tom Davis and Frank Wolf) newspaper.  Why anyone would think that it's "liberal" in any way, shape or form is beyond me.