The Top 25 Reasons To Vote for Tim Kaine - #14

By: Josh
Published On: 10/6/2005 1:00:00 AM

It didn't seem right that we'd just post our list of The Top 25 Reasons Not to Vote for Jerry Kilgore on Raising Kaine.  We owe it to our readers to say why we support Tim Kaine for Governor.  The real problem with both these lists was paring them down to ONLY 25 items each.  Well, we did our best.  Here is our countdown of The Top 25 Reasons to Vote for Tim Kaine , counting down one-by-one,  here's #14.

14.  Tim Kaine understands the healthy relationship between government and business. Under his leadership, Richmond became one of the top 10 US cities in which to do business.  Under Warner-Kaine, Virginia was considered extremely business-firendly and rated the best managed state in the country.

'nuf said.
