GOP comedy continues in the 24th

By: kestrel9000
Published On: 7/3/2007 8:06:34 AM

(Partial crosspost from Cobalt6)

From The Blog That Must Not Be Named:

How did this get out?

Vertically-challenged milkboy blogger Myron with potential right-wing spoiler Sime

Grandpa: [voiceover] Nothing gave Buttercup as much pleasure as ordering Westley around.
Buttercup: Farm boy, polish my horse's saddle. I want to see my face shining in it by morning.
Westley: As you wish.
Grandpa: [voiceover] "As you wish" was all he ever said to her.

And from a blog whose name seems to suggest its proprietor is into bestiality:

Senator Hanger doesn't get it on taxes, but he does get it on the 2nd Amendment, he is Pro-Life and most importantly he supports marriage between one man and one woman, something that Libertarian Arin Sime seems to feel is a negotiable subject...  This is the downfall of most Libertarians.  God Love them on Taxes and Govt. Regulations (they oppose both), but on the sanctity of marriage, our nation will crumble if we allow any other form of marital institution to exist.

Emphasis mine. He's got a point there...on top of his head, that is. Just look at the rampant anarchy in Massachusetts and Vermont, for starters. Oh, the humanities.
And the glorious implosion continues below the fold.

(Augusta County GOP Committee Chairman Kurt)Michael called the effort to bar him and other party leaders from Staunton meetings an ?attempt to hijack the party, and break every rule of the Republican Party of Virginia.?

Hanger said the party locally and across Virginia has been hurt by special interest groups such as the Americans for Tax Reform, the Growth Club and the Virginia Conservative Action Political Action Committee.

?Those groups focus on extremes and being anti-Republican. They do nothing but attack Republicans,?? Hanger said.

According to the News-Virginian piece, Staunton Republican Committee Chairwoman Anne Taetzsch, who appeared in TV and radio spots for Scott Sayre, now supports Senator Hanger "wholeheartedly."
This should make Emmett Very Happy.

Emmett Very Happy.

(NewsLeader photo)

Back to SpankThatMonkey for a sec:

Regardless, David Cox his Democrat(IC) challenger is a far worse option that can not be allowed to represent our district.  He is a Liberal Democrat through and through.. and we can not have that...

Oh, I bet we can.
Have faith, troops. David does.

(More, consisting basically of reax to the Libby commutation, [which are in no short supply in the blogosphere] at Cobalt6.)
