John Warner Running or Not Running: You Decide

By: Lowell
Published On: 7/3/2007 6:42:36 AM

See here for Sen. John Warner's complete statement, issued yesterday, on his plans for the future:

I have consistently stated that I will refrain from fundraising activities for my campaign until I make my decision this coming September to seek reelection in 2008.


I have decided to focus until September on pressing Senate business, including an extensive trip to Iraq in August, and will announce my decision about the 2008 campaign in September.

I have been privileged to represent the citizens of the Commonwealth for over 28 years.  Virginians know me.  If I confirm my decision to seek reelection, I have every confidence that I will be able to raise sufficient resources, in addition to what I already have on hand, and activate an organization, enabling me to wage a vigorous campaign leading to Election Day in November 2008.

Is John Warner running or not?  You decide.
