Like he'd get away with that so easily...

By: Kenton
Published On: 7/2/2007 2:17:54 PM

That's my state senator.


This is a Senator? (Leslie Byrne - 7/2/2007 3:19:21 PM)
What a doofus!

I thought he deleted that? (Lowell - 7/2/2007 4:57:59 PM)
I had it up yesterday, but he quickly got rid of it.  He put it back?!?  Uh, Ron?  Ron?  :)

Braawk. (kestrel9000 - 7/3/2007 11:16:29 AM)
Rights of the unborn. Braaawk. Illegal immigration. Braawk. Liberal candidate well funded. Braawk. Fight the growth of government. Braawk. Polly wanna talking point.
Jesus. (hereinva - 7/3/2007 5:31:28 PM)
So who or what is RON ?

Here is a wikipedia look at some possibilities:


RON is also a Chadic language spoken in northern Nigeria:


Look closely (Teddy - 7/3/2007 9:51:59 PM)
at the worthy Senator. I want to know: where is the factory where the republicans roll out and cut and bake the cookies of their white male candidates over and over and over. They all look and sound the same, like robots, like cookies. Is Cuccinelli a slightly younger version of Santorum? How many others are so similar you can scarcely tell them apart, the wonderful little mother's darlings. It is just too sweet for words.