Yeah, the guy's an asshole. And no, he still hasn't been fired for his outrageous remarks after the Virginia Tech shootings.
Predictably, he's back at it again, this time with outright racism:
During the June 21 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Neal Boortz offered a suggestion he said he got from a listener's email: "When we defeat this illegal alien amnesty bill, and when we yank out the welcome mat, and they all start going back to Mexico, as a going away gift let's all give them a box of nuclear waste." Boortz continued: "Give 'em all a little nuclear waste and let 'em take it on down there to Mexico. Tell 'em it can -- it'll heat tortillas."
Ah, yes, the REAL reason that certain right wingers are so worked up over illegal immigration. Let's just put it this way; would Boortz and his ilk be so upset about illegal immigrants if they were from, let's just say, England? Gee, I've got to think really hard about this one.
Not convinced? Here's a bit more Boortz for your reading...displeasure, I guess:
Give 'em a little bag of nuclear waste as your lovely parting gift. AMF, which means 'Adios, my friend.' Send them all back across the border to Mexico. Tell 'em it's a tortilla warmer. ... And you'll be able to find them at night too, because they'll glow. And this will be a big hit.
No, Neal, you know what a "big hit" would be? Never having to hear or read your xenophobic, hate-filled, right-wing rantings again. Look, I strongly believe in freedom of speech. I also strongly believe in the freedom of American consumers to choose which companies they do business with. I urge everyone to contact the advertisers they find on Boortz's site and tell them, politely but firmly, that you will not patronize any establishment that does business with this hatemongering jerk.