The story is here in the Roanoke Times.
What makes this particular bit of Gun Control legislation remarkable is that is was crafted with the support of the NRA. They did win some concessions to give people the right to be removed from the watch lists (or at least challenge their inclusion in said lists), but otherwise, my reading of this bill is very positive.
It has been almost two months now since the terrible shootings tore my community apart. To know that so many people take this so seriously all across the country, and are working in good faith to make sure it never happens again, is heartening.
Ut Prosim
""hide details 5:21 pm (5 hours ago)
date Jun 13, 2007 6:21 PM
subject Re: Final score:
Take a look at who else took notice...
WARNING: In case you're not familiar with Stormfront, it's a hate site.
A MAJOR hate site.
And they loves them some Ron Paul.
Still, if we want to states to enforce the laws, we have to help them with the funding aspect of it. That seems logical to me.
It is one reason why the GOP has always run campaigns based on fear-mongering. It is often easier to get people to act on their insecurities, as long as they don't think it will require any sacrifices on their part.
But that policy doesn't always work.
Sadly, getting people to recognize the danger and accept even reasonable sacrifices for the good of the many, that is more difficult.
Ut Prosim