Embryonic Research--A View

By: soccerdem
Published On: 6/7/2007 10:20:15 PM

Now the Decider says he will veto the stem cell research bill, with his reason being that he does notwant to take the life of these embryos which are scheduled to be killed anyway.  Am I reading this wrong, this seemingly illogical decision from the Socrates of the Ivy League?

Why does not Gonzalez file murder charges against the clinics who flush away these embryos, whose murder this is?  Why not charge the donors or the clinics'physicians with criminal conspiracy to commit murder, in order to prevent further mayhem?

To me, all of this sort of thing was foretold in December 2002 when, in the midst of the presidntial campaign, John Kerry underwent rectal surgery.  To my imagination, this type of surgery was surely a portent, an intimation, a result of what Bush and his party would do to ALL of us if he were elected, with Kerry suffering in advance for our sins in electing the Decider. 


It's crazy, I don't even try to figure out (Lowell - 6/7/2007 10:37:04 PM)
this mindset that places the value of a 5-day-old blastocyst that's GOING TO BE THROWN OUT ANYWAY over a 12-year-old little girl with Juvenile Diabetes, or a Michael J. Fox with Parkinsons, or Ronald Reagan with Alzheimers.  The mentality that would lead to such a conclusion is utterly alien to me.

Stem Cell Research continues to progress -- unregulated (Andrea Chamblee - 6/8/2007 2:14:08 AM)
We have the best scientists in the world and the best regulations - and then this work gets exported.  South Koreans impregnate lab assistants to get embryos, and just this week US scientists report possibilities for getting these cells elsewhere.  But meanwhile, we won't know how these cells behave or what they can do once we find the alternative sources for them.  We have to keep researching.