Who Won - Ron Paul did the most to advance his positions, draw distinctions with the other candidates, and give his campaign supporters a boost
Who Knew the Issues - Rudy Giuliani was the best prepared with talking point answers designed for him
Best one-liner - Tom Tancredo gave it when asked how he would use President Bush answered with what Carl Rove told him once "...never darken the White House door..."
Worst performance - Tommy Thompson who pointed to Bush as a model for our young people Snappiest dresser - Mitt Romney
Just plain frightening - Duncan Hunter
Best radio voice - Sam Brownback
WHO??? - Jim Gilmore & Mike Huckabee
Most toned down from the 1st Debate - John McCain
With these made for TV forums I'd suggest Wolf Blitzer, Lou Dobbs, Chris Mathews, Barbara Walters, etc. invite the following contestants to a lightning round of one-on-one shows:
"WAR For The White House 2008"
Democrats vs. Republicans
Clinton vs. Giuliani
Obama vs. Romney
Edwards vs. McCain
Biden vs. Hunter
Richardson vs. Thompson
Richardson vs. Huckabee
Dodd vs. Brownback
Kucinich vs. Paul
Gravel vs. Gilmore
Gravel vs. Tancredo
Wait this is "real TV" ... this concept copyright 2007 by Shawn O'Donnell ...any use of this concept, title, format or pairings without the expressed written consent of Shawn O'Donnell is expressly forbidden.