Groups Against Gun Violence Unify Behind Henry Light

By: Henry Light for Delegate
Published On: 6/5/2007 2:28:57 PM

Calling for positive change instead of more of the same, the state's leading gun violence prevention groups have unified behind Henry Light in his challenge to longtime incumbent Johnny Joannou in the June 12 Democratic primary for the 79th District of the Virginia House of Delegates.

"Henry Light will be an agent of change," said the head of Virginians for Public Safety, a statewide group that fights against gun violence. "For many years now, the gun industry has ruled the roost in Richmond."
With just a week to go before the high-stakes primary, the state's four leading gun violence prevention groups endorsed Light, a former Navy SEAL. The groups include Virginians for Public Safety, the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, the Million Mom March chapter in Hampton Roads, and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Light's opponent has an A+ rating from the NRA and has been dubbed Johnny 'Roadblock' for his long years of opposition to common sense approaches to making Virginians safer in their homes, businesses, schools, and neighborhoods.

The endorsements come as Light also receives the backing of former Governor Mark Warner, who cited Light's "commitment to the Democratic values we share."

By contrast, Joannou has been called "one of the most dependable Republican votes in the House of Delegates."

"Some of the core Republican issues that are near and dear to our hearts, guns and taxes, you can't get much more republican than the positions he takes," says Bryan Meals, Portsmouth Republican Committee chairman, referring to Joannou.


Why not unite against "car violence" or "pool violence" (opencarry - 6/6/2007 10:03:20 PM)
Stopping these crazy devices would do far more for public safety than attacking Second Amendment rights.

Sheesh, VA's gun transfer laws are among the toughest in the nation, and we are pretty much in the middle of other state's carry laws - in fact, maybe slipping as other states liberalize.

Mark Warner was A rated by NRA (nvcdl - 6/8/2007 8:50:54 PM)
Mark Warner was pro-gun rights when he was in office.

Lots of Virginians are solidly pro-gun rights and will see this anti-gun endorsement in a very negaitive light.

Mr. Light should run, run from these loser anti-gun politics. 

Get a clue - Webb/Warner are progun winners.