Henry Light Launches TV Campaign

By: Henry Light for Delegate
Published On: 6/4/2007 12:09:17 PM

Mark Warner/Tim Kaine Democrat Henry Light has launched a television campaign in his primary campaign against Johnny Joannou. The ad makes a clear case to voters in the district -- Johnny Joannou didn't lift a finger to help pass Governor Mark Warner's agenda.



It's a Portsmouth seat (brimur - 6/4/2007 1:18:28 PM)
Can't for the life of me figure out how Henry can win this. He's Norfolk, and this is a Portsmouth seat.

There's a simple answer to that (DannyDem - 6/4/2007 1:33:04 PM)
How does Henry win?
Simple -- by making the case to the voters in the district that he's the right person to represent them in Richmond.
Joannou is way out of synch with the voters -- they overwhelmingly back the Mark Warner/Tim Kaine agenda for Virginia that he tried to roadblock. Light is on the same page with the voters.
And the miracle of a modern campaign -- TV ads, targeted direct mail, a sophisticated Voter ID and GOTV program - is that Henry can communicate his message to the tens of thousands of voters who might vote in the primary. It's not a matter of going to a few parades and knocking on some doors and counting on people to know you from years back -- it's a matter of communicating your message in a professional manner. That's what Light is doing.

No doubt (brimur - 6/4/2007 1:54:19 PM)
It should be very interesting. These delegate districts are so very small. It is quite ambitious to beat an entrenched incumbent in a primary even under normal conditions- but beating Joannou probably doesn't qualify as normal conditions. His Portsmouth ties seem damn strong.