Why would I do such a thing?
Very simple. Hillary Clinton has declared war on American labor and technology workers in the United States. She has openly supported expanding the H-1b visa program.
This program replaces skilled American workers with cheap and exploited foreign workers. 7/10 of the top sponsors of H-1b visas are companies from India. 3/4ths of the visas are for level-1 skilled workers according to the Department of Labor. Level 1 is the lowest skilled (entry level) and level 4 is the highest.
What Hillary Clinton has demonstrated is that she is willing to trade high tech jobs as a favor to high tech companies, in exchange of course for the contributions. Hillary Clinton represents the worst of the Democratic party and should not be shielded from our criticism just because she is a Democrat.
Hillary Clinton is a smart lady and she knows all about the H-1b visa. She can't plead ignorance - thus I can only conclude that she cares more about her political future than about American workers. I predict that the Senator will only increase the number of Americans who dislike her as a result of this bone-headed miscalculation.
I would suggest that if Senator Clinton wants to side with foreign corporations over American workers, she join Senator Lieberman - another supporter an indentured class of tech worker.
However, I would vote GOP over Dennis or Gravel. I'm sorry, but I don't trust those guys to protect my country.
*Serious action on global warming and environmental protection in general - not likely to happen with Republicans in power
*Health care for all Americans - not likely to happen with Republicans in power
*Restoring respect for America in the world - not likely to happen with Republicans in power
*Embryonic stem cell research - not likely to happen with Republicans in power
*A Supreme Court that protects our freedoms - not likely to happen with Republicans in power
I will repeat: ANY Democrat, with the possible exceptions of Kucinich and Gravel, would be better than ANY Republican (with the possible exception of Ron Paul, who has no chance).
Go blue team!
Unfortunately, I also have no faith in Hillary. She espouses a form of elitism very similar to the corporate Republicans. Labor groups across this country loath the thought of Hillary Clinton being President. She represents a direction in the Democratic party that drove people away in the first place.
I doubt seriously that she will win the primary - and that if she did Democrats would stand a fair chance of losing the general election. Hillary Clinton would drive people away from the Democratic party in mass. Especially moderate Democrats and independents.
I'm a solid Democratic voter but I just can't imagine voting for Hillary Clinton. She would need to more align herself with labor before that would happen. I'd probably waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate before I voted for someone who is openly hostile towards labor right now.
Democrats have the favor of moderates and independents right now. Why waste that with Hillary Clinton? That favor will vanish over night.
Finally I don't believe in the "thou shalt not vote for another party member" unwritten rule (or maybe it is written down somewhere). No party can consider my vote a given - they need to work for it. Democrats appear to be working harder than Republicans for Americans right now - and as long as that continues they will have my vote.