A tight primary race, indictments of voter fraud and a squealing babysitter.Doesn't that Virginia GOP just make you so proud!In the 27th State District of Virginia, Mike Tate (R) was indicted Monday on two counts of voter fraud and nine counts of perjury concerning previous campaign finance reports. Meanwhile, with the primary election only 18 days away, Tate's lawyer, Edward MacMahon Jr., is crying foul. "I find it outrageous that charges like this would be brought in the middle of a primary campaign, which has the effect of subverting the democratic process."
MacMahon is pointing fingers at Tate's Republican opponent Jane Holtzman Vogel, a former chief counsel for the RNC with strong ties to the Virginia Conservative Action PAC. After all, reason Tate supporters, the woman who brought the complaint to the attention of the Virginia State Board of Elections is a campaign volunteer for Vogel; the local Leesburg Today even reports that the whistleblower occasionally babysat Vogel's children. And the local prosecutor who initially handled the complaint supported Vogel last year, although the prosecutor recused himself from the investigation in February....
Tate is no stranger to election indiscretions. In the past three years he has paid fines six times for late filings of campaign finance statements, racking up a bill of $900.
So all Cindy Sheehan's worries about Iraq and the hulabaloo about immigration were behind the culture of corruption which influenced voters. Locally for off-term elections, maybe Saddam disappears so that Transportation,Immigration, and the Environment may move up... what are candidates finding as they knock on doors? Is corruption fading? Are folks sick of Iraq? Do they figure these issues are beyond local officials?
Rather than allow one of these two extremists to enjoy a "safe seat", Karen is running to ensure that the 27th District continues to enjoy the experienced and practical leadership Sen. Russ Potts provided the last few years.
Please do your part to give Karen the support she needs to get her message out to voters who don't want four more years of Republican failures.
The current fundraising reporting period ends tomorrow, May 30. Your contribution through Act Blue will help Karen show Richmond that we can turn the 27th District blue!
Please visit Karen's website and send feedback to me at adam[AT]karenschultz[DOT]org.
Thank you!
- Adam