Jim Webb on Oil Windfall Profits

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/23/2007 6:08:53 PM

Courtesy of Sen. Webb's office...

"The 5 largest oil companies had $120 billion dollars in profits last year alone. If this were simply market forces they wouldn't be going into profits that are being plowed back into stock options."

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"A windfall is when external conditions allow you to make money and you don't have to work any harder.  When you look at the fact that the price of a barrel of oil tripled from the time that we went into Iraq because of external forces because of oil being bought based on predictability of international conditions and these sorts of things, I would say that's a windfall."

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"I think that we have responsibility as government leaders to create conditions where we do not have to operate at the mercy of international instability. I think that's what we have to do. And if companies will not turn around and invest in either alternative energy programs or in greater refining capabilities and these sorts of things well if they can't help themselves maybe we have an obligation to try and figure out a way to do that."

For audio, please click here: http://demradio.sena...

Exactly, we need to kick our addiction to oil, to OPEC, and to the big oil companies ASAP.  Thanks, Senator Webb!


Oil Profits (oldsoldier - 5/23/2007 9:17:03 PM)
Does anyone have any information on how much oil Cheney is buying for the national reserves while the refineries are down for maintenance?  What is the latest on "management" of our emergency supplies?

Amen! (rjl - 5/23/2007 11:07:31 PM)
Call 'em as you see 'em, Senator.  The Senate is listening.