What happens if the people speak and no one listens?

By: Dianne
Published On: 5/22/2007 7:48:47 AM

There was a short segment on Morning Edition (NPR) today about a father who had lost his son in Iraq just two weeks ago on Mother's Day.  The father was a Vietnam War veteran and was now grappling desperately with his feelings that had he spoken more loudly about his opposition to the war perhaps his son might be alive today. At the end of the story, in his grief, he asks the riveting question:

What happens if the people speak and no one listens?

The people spoke in November saying we do not approve of this war and we need to get out.  The polls continually ask us what we think of this war and should we be getting out.  We've answered resoundingly that we don't want this war and that we should be bringing our soldiers home. 

So now to the father's question, one of the most important questions of our time...a time when the Bush Administration has taken away our privacy rights, has ignored our concerns for the degredation of the environment, is encrouching on the right of a woman to have control of her own body, and now has gotten us into a war that surely will be taking the lives and limbs of our neighbors, our friends, and our relatives for a long, long time in a senseless civil war. 

So what next?  I ask you what you envision for yourself and your country when the people speak and no one listens?


RK readers...an opportunity to speak (Dianne - 5/22/2007 8:31:23 AM)
Lowell's post on James Comey's May 17th testimony being removed from C-SPAN http://raisingkaine.... should be a HEADS UP fellow Americans. 

Call C-SPAN  (202) 737-3220
E-mail C-SPAN  viewer@c-span.org

Tell them to put the hearing back up on C-SPAN's website.

The cable industry funds C-SPAN.  Contact your cable provider.

Contact your representatives and your candidates and tell them that the people are speaking, now listen and do something!!!!