Bill Clinton Turns Skyscrapers Green...

By: Lowell
Published On: 5/16/2007 6:41:24 AM

...and leaps them in a single bound? :) Hey, I knew Bill Clinton was powerful, but I didn't realize he was strong enough to turn skyscrapers green.  Check it out:

Sixteen cities around the world will begin cutting carbon emissions by renovating city-owned buildings with green technology under a program spearheaded by former President Clinton's foundation.


Clinton's foundation said the planned changes have the potential to reduce energy use by 20 to 50 percent in those buildings. The reduction could mean a significant decrease in heat-trapping carbon emissions, as well as cost savings on utility bills.

Is this great or what?  And by the way, we can ALL do fact, it's what I've been advocating for years.  Let's renovate every single building, both commercial and residential, with the best energy efficient appliances, roofing, insulation, etc.  Let's get the government involved by having it heavily subsidize businesses and individuals in doing this green retrofitting.  And let's finance it all with a tax on carbon.  Or is that too logical?  Maybe if Bill Clinton were in charge (or his former veep, Al Gore) as opposed to Bonehead Bush and Deadeye Dick, we'd be well on our way to solving the problam of global warming right now.  Instead, we've just squandered 6 1/2 precious years.  Heckuva job, Republicans!


Do your alarmists friends refuse to attend your summer bbq's? (floodguy - 5/16/2007 11:15:44 AM)
At this rate, it won't be long that the alarmists will even ask to have traditional backyard bbq's banned! 

I sure wish everyone interested in global warming took the time to read all of the info about energy policy, not just articles in favor of one side or the other.  Understanding what the Dept of Energy has been doing since the start of the current executive administration takes dedication, but it provides the understanding as to just how complex matters such as policy and investments are in our fights against global warming and climate policy change.


Although this is no endorsement of the current administation, its good to know exactly what their knowledge and where their position has been. 

"We all believe technology offers great promise to significantly reduce [greenhouse gas] emissions -- especially carbon capture, storage and sequestration technologies."
  President George W. Bush
  June 11, 2001