Blog 4 Sam Rasoul 4 Congress, VA 6th District

By: jrcole
Published On: 5/8/2007 10:08:20 AM

To: Undisclosed Locations
Cc: Dr Karen Kwiatkowski ; ChairmanGOP @ RNC ; Dr. Sidney Blumenthal ; ; ; Maher, Bill [Contact] ; Mr. Eric Margolis, Journalist ; Mr. George Will, Journalist ; ; Prof. Thomas J. DiLorenzo ; Rasoul, Sam, for Cong. 6th ; Richardson, for President ; Speaker Nancy Pelosi ; The Sojourners ; Tucker, Cynthia - Journalist
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 8:07 AM
Subject: Blog 4 Sam Rasoul 4 Congress, VA 6th District

Also To: Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) ; Senators Webb & Warner ; Bush II R+¬gime
Also Cc: Sen. Reid & Hagel ; CNN ; DNC

Dear Gentlepersons:

BEGIN BLOG ENTRY BELOW FROM: < http://www.commondre... >

From: john4samrasoul4cong2008 [< >] May 7th, 2007 10:09 am

Dear Gentlepersons:

May 7th, 2007 10:09 am
My compliments to Karen Button for her article, "An Iraqi Blueprint for Peace" [ Published on Saturday, May 5, 2007 by ], about a plausible Iraqi plan for coping with their desperate situation. Unfortunately, the Bush II R+¬gime and some of the Iraqi neighbors are apparently now the key to the Iraqi problem, as these articles indicate:

(1) "Now the Saudis Tool Up For War, The White House line that Iraq's extremists are all backed by Iran is a myth." writes Robert Fox @ < http://www.thefirstp... >

(2) "The Prize Of Iraqi Oil", by Michael Schwartz @ < http://www.tomdispat... >

It is deplorable that the USA is active in other parts of the world, as part of the problem ...
... It is because of this that we, here in the USA, at the grassroots level - our Congress - we need to take control of our government from the Plutocrats [The Plutocrats are aka The Party of Wealth or The Republican Party.].  Failing this, we will not be able to significantly change the Bush II R+¬gime policies, which are now the major problem in the Middle-East. 

Q. Difficult?
A. Yes

But, here in the 6th Congressional District of Virginia, we do have a Democratic candidate, Sam Rasoul, who will be able, with our help, to master these challenges.  Bringing about change at the Congressional level is difficult because of:
The effects of past gerrymandering.
Ongoing Republican disinformation programs.
Lavish Republican support drawn from special interests [Our present Congressman Goodlatte, is well supported indeed: < http://www.opensecre... >]. 
But, today the Republican are trapped in their own downward policy spirals. Given the constant horrid harvest from the many Republican deceptions revealed and their flubbed programs, there will never be a better time for a New Deal II.
Want to consider this?  You may contact Sam Rasoul here:

With every good wish,


John R. Cole
