The Bush Administration's Breathtaking Incompetence: Condi Rice Edition

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/29/2007 5:30:44 PM

Wow, this is breathtaking in its idiocy.  After being briefed by CIA chief George Tenet in July 2001 that "there are going to be multiple, spectacular attacks against the United States," that "[w]e believe these attacks are imminent" and that "[m]ass casualties are likely," what did Condoleeza Rice do?  Here she is on today's "Face the Nation" with Bob Schieffer:

SCHIEFFER: So, what he is saying is that you just sort of brushed him off.

RICE: ...the idea of launching preemptive strikes into Afghanistan in July of 2001, this is a new fact, and I will have to?

SCHIEFFER: Well, why would he say something like that?

RICE: Well, I don't know. I don't know what we were supposed to preemptively strike in Afghanistan. Perhaps somebody can ask that.

Of course, this IS the same person who couldn't comprehend what "Bin Laden Determined to Attack in U.S." meant.  Or that there had been numerous studies, even drills by NORAD, prior to 9/11 regarding the possibility of a terrorist group using airplanes as mass casualty weapons.  Or the fact that the outgoing Clinton Administration warned the incoming Bush national security team "repeatedly...about the threat posed by Al Qaeda."

Heckuva job.


Her latest approval numbers (PM - 4/29/2007 6:18:38 PM)
are negative--45% yea-50% nay.  Finally.  She was getting such a free pass from the press for such a long time.  http://pollingreport...

Condi has company... (FMArouet - 4/29/2007 7:32:29 PM)
as six former senior CIA officers argue in calling ex-DCI George Tenet "...the Alberto Gonzales of the intelligence community - a grotesque mixture of incompetence and sycophancy shielded by a genial personality."

Another heckuva job.

Here is the link: http://www.truthout....

Just another yes woman (Rebecca - 4/29/2007 8:57:31 PM)
Like all the other adoring incompetents in the administration, she was chosen because she has self esteem so low that she actually thinks Bush is a great leader. Therefore she is both incompetent and a yes person just like Gonzales, Meyers, and the others around Bush.

Bush can't have competent people around because competent people pay attention to facts and are not afraid to give an opinion to the great leader. Bush can't be bothered with facts because he has a high maintenance ego which crumbles under the weight of a disagreement.

I just re-read the... (Detcord - 4/29/2007 10:54:14 PM)
...the 9/11 Commission report and they've already debunked all of this.  There was nothing actionable to "react" to and everyone (who can read) knows it.  Let it go.

The best response to "Slam Dunk" Tenet was in the WP this morning:

First (Gordie - 4/30/2007 6:54:18 AM)
The 9/11 commission tried not to blame anyone for the attack. They were trying to get out a report that would be grasped and recommendations would be followed.

Second, Look behind the scenes and all will be able to recognize that she was ordered not to do anything about the information she had received. As was said in these writings puppets were named for this administration. All who would follow orders.

Third, At one time I thought Cheney was the one who wanted to attack Iraq and talked Bush into it, but I have changed my mind. Bush wanted to do that far ahead of 2000 and he found people who also wanted too or puppets to support him.

Fourth Yes she is worthless and a Bush supporter. Who else but a puppet and supporter could screw up and then be named Sec. of State.

It is amazing the stories I hear that the insurance payments on the Twin Towers were always late, till the month that the Towers were hit???

Last, Kuncinich with his impeachment of Cheney is playing right into Bush and Rove's political plan. Impeach Cheney, Blame him for the entire war. Name a good VP, then change the entire strategy so the new VP has a chance to be elected as Pres.

What are you talking about? (Lowell - 4/30/2007 6:56:57 AM)
The 9/11 commission has "already debunked all of this?"  Please provide links and quotes to that material.

Also, the Washington Post story you cite says very clearly that there WAS actionable intelligence, but blames George Tenet for having "denigrated" it, "causing the president and his team to lose confidence in the hard-won intelligence."  Sounds to me like there was actionable intelligence on bin Laden during both the Clinton and Bush Administrations, and that both Presidents failed to act.  Perhaps they failed to act because of George Tenet, perhaps because of another reason.  I WOULD point out that Bill Clinton was heavily criticized by Republicans for having ordered missile strikes on Afghanistan in August 1998.  Remember "wag the dog?" 

Wow (novamiddleman - 4/29/2007 11:14:59 PM)
You guys seems to have revved up the attack machine again this weekend

Theres plenty to blame with 9/11 from the Clinton AND Bush administration

Going into 2008 there are two giant issues Iraq & The war on terror

It will be interesting to see the evolution of all six major candidates on both of these issues

A clarification about Clinton ... (Dianne - 4/30/2007 6:51:45 AM)
President Clinton didn't take the country into an insane, no-win war on a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.  And who's to say that if President Clinton had received the summer briefing "...Bin Laden about to strike the US" that President Clinton would have done something...rather than cut brush in Texas.

President Clinton had a brain and intelligent people around him and he was willing to work through the night to get the job done, unlike President Bush who moseys to bed no later than 10 pm (and it's said that he quits work at 5 pm!). 

Funny... President Clinton's approval rating just keeps getting better and better, while President Bush's continues to drop.

President Bush was the one in office in was his job, not President Clinton's.

Right on Diane (Gordie - 4/30/2007 11:05:40 AM)
Also, some people want to forget that in December 2000, the Clinton administration briefed the Bush administration with the intelligence that Bin Laden was responsisble for the Cole. And according to Condi when testifing at the 9/11 commission all she could say was "We were busy working on the Plan".

What Plan? The plan to invade Iraq. Not a single commissioner or any one else (that I know of) asked her what plan they were working on in the Spring and Summer of 2001, before the 9/11 attack.

What was so important about this plan that stopped the Administration from responding to Tennet's briefings?

I know this entire Administration is incompatent, but are they ignorant too?

Missiles into Somalia? (J.R. - 4/30/2007 12:52:24 AM)
And the best our boy Bill could muster was to blow-up a couple of aspirin factories.

Look -- we need to freaking stop this blame game nonsense and just get the bastards.  I don't care if it's Bush, Obama, Romney, Clinton, needs to step it up and get it right.  They've gotten it wrong for YEARS.