Follow the Money...and the Dots, on Dave Albo

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/22/2007 10:24:42 PM

Great post by Not Larry Sabato about Dave "Altria" Albo.  The fact is that Dave Albo represents everything wrong with politics.  As Ben writes, "This is the kind of thing that makes kids stop believing in democracy."  And adults too.


You left out the fun part (Albo Must Go - 4/23/2007 3:00:59 AM)
Check out the latest on AMG. 

NLS didn't list out:

- ALL the tobacco money
- ALL the tobacco gifts
- Albo's mutual funds with Altria holdings
- The PAC contributions linked to Altria
- The award Albo got with the banquet sponsored by Altria

Does anyone know if and what Albo smokes???

People in Glass Houses.... (Matt H - 4/23/2007 10:29:27 AM)
Unfortunately, Altria supplies most (if not all) of our own with money (49% of its money goes to Va. Dems.

We need to clean up our own act too!