"A Conservative Against Intelligent Design"

By: Lowell
Published On: 4/18/2007 2:30:48 PM

This event looks like it will be very good.  In short, the Alliance for Science will feature Nikhil Rao of Conservatives Against Intelligent Design at the Arlington County Public Library on Tuesday, April 24 at 7:30 p.m.  Since the Alliance for Science speaker is a conservative from the "Bible Belt," the fact that he's opposed to insertion of Intelligent Design into public science education should make this a very interesting presentation. 

Mr. Rao's presentation will address:

  * How evolution itself isn't a radical idea, it's just continually associated with radical or at least contentious ideas.
  * How we can make evolution palatable ot religious conservatives by clarifying the difference between metaphysical and scientific knowledge.
  * How biology education needs to be reformed so that people can approach the issue of evolution in an informed manner.

Check it out!


Not a day too soon. (Pain - 4/18/2007 3:07:04 PM)
I used to be a republican, or at least I voted rebublican a lot of times in the past.  I don't like to pay taxes any more than anyone else.  I like the idea, or the theory, of small government, etc.

But, when the religious right got the republicans by the privates, that was the end of my republican vote.

I really hate the idea of either being a democrat or a republican, and if you are one or the other then you have to drink the koolaid and goosestep along with the rest of the party. 

Can't we all just think for ourselves?  My representative should represent ME.  Or, he/she should represent the majority vote in that district/state, NOT tow the line for their respective party.

presumptous (pvogel - 4/18/2007 4:36:22 PM)
science illuminates  things as time goes along.

Faith illuminates the dark places that science has not reached yet.

You dont have to be republican to have faith, and you dont have to be democrat to have science.

When the big bang theory was developed, the Vatican jumped on that bad boy, because it looked like the "Hand of G-d" at work{Still does!}

We have places for both faith and science.  schools and churches.