Hear/see Bushisms put to music by my uncle

By: presidentialman
Published On: 4/10/2007 3:48:03 AM

This is my uncle speaking in the text. Before I hand you off,and if there are any conservative nut jobs reading this take note, this was made in the great state of Massachusetts that gave us great things like the Kennedys,Jack Kerouac, Tip O'Neil,whom my family knew,Harvard,MIT,Cambridge,the Boston Red Sox,the Revolutionary war battle of Bunker Hill,Boston Tea Party, Lexington and well you get the picture:

Neil Young has posted a page on his website called Living With War Today, where he is trying to compile the world's largest collection of protest songs. I sent this song in a couple of weeks ago and it was accepted and posted.  So then I went ahead and made the video to accompany it, which I just sent in to the same site (they have another page for protest videos).

The protest songs page has about 1600 songs listed in order of how many clicks they've received, as well as another 100 of New Listings, which is where mine is. They leave a song in the New Listing column for a week and then move it in with the other numbered songs. On Monday, mine should move from the New Listings to the numbered section, and then each week be adjusted up or down, depending on the number of clicks. The more people who click on it, the higher it moves.

If you want to check it out:
  1. http://www.neilyoung...
  2. Look in the New Listings column on the far right and go about half way down.
  3. Click on this: 'MalaBushisms: Pithy Words Of Wisdom...' - John Flaherty
  4. Repeat as directed hundreds of times
  5. Email everyone you know and have them do the same.

If you want to see the rest of the Living With War Today site, there is a small link at the top just under the words "Songs of the Times".


Hi, its me again, since this really is a Democratic Party website that have everything anti-Republicans and since there are an awful lot of crossposting that are basically advertising other sites like "crossposted to DailyKos." I've taken the liberty to think this is within reasonable guidelines. Ok, now I've got to go to bed.


Don't forget John Adams (Andrea Chamblee - 4/11/2007 12:04:54 AM)
He wrote one of the most progressive state constitutions in the US. If it weren't for him, our own constitution would be a very different document.

And it has one of the lowest divorce rates in the county.

Let's hear it for those New England liberals - I mean patriots!

Norman Rockwell (PM - 4/11/2007 8:01:38 AM)
We visit his museum every time we go to visit relatives in Stockbridge.  Highly popular, but also underrated from a technical standpoint.  His works just glow with humanity when you see them in the flesh.

Ah, the Pittsfield MA 4th of July parade, the best "small town" parade in the nation.

Fireworks after the final strains of the concert at the Tanglewood shed (also there).

Your uncle's song is great (PM - 4/11/2007 8:11:16 AM)
He has a good folk rock voice, too.  Three thumbs up.