influence of RKers at dailykos

By: teacherken
Published On: 4/9/2007 9:56:50 AM

jotter has out his quarterly analysis of influence.  This time it is not total influence (which would have ranked me higher) but influence per diary (which tends to favor certain big names - the top three were US Senators who do not post there that frequently.

Below the fold I have listed those RKers I could identify.  Come along for a look.
info is rank, number of diaries, total influence, influence per diary

18 28 RenaRF 49.3 1.76
68 64 teacherken 47.12 0.74

I think there may be a problem

there must be some cutoff for minimum total influence  I cannot imagine why Jim Webb is not on the list - he had one diary with an impact of 8.93 and there are people listed with only two diaries - maybe that was the minimum?

I was also surprised not to see lowkell (lowell) on the list.  I would have thought his average influence was higher than the cutoff, which was .26 per diary.  Oh well.

I always look better in total impact than impact per diary.


update - a partial explanation (teacherken - 4/9/2007 10:14:59 AM)
but not from Jotter.  There was a cutoff on total impact, which apparently was around 12, so that Jim's almost 9 on one diary did not make the cut.  I think that is deceptive - there could be a lot of people whose average impact was significantly higher than mine but who did not make that cuttoff.

I haven't been posting at DKos much (Lowell - 4/9/2007 10:34:38 AM)
since the election.  Just a few diaries, really.  Also, I think people get confused over there when you switch topics all the time, as I do, as opposed to just focusing on one topic most of the time...

heck, I switch topics all the time (teacherken - 4/9/2007 10:56:35 AM)
my last 9 diaries:

today  Do we have still have freedom if we lack privacy?

yesterday  Things wrong with NCLB and how to fix them (recommended)

Saturday  They will have no choice but to impeach - #2 diary for day in influence, #3 in number of recommends

Friday  No significant impact of educational software (11th for day, Recommended)

Thursday Teacher shortages - the real crisis in American education  (recommended)

Wednesday  ...the Starbucks rule leaves a lot to be desired (about Chinese labor laws)

Last Monday  Have I become radicalized? (recommended)

April 1 (Sunday)  It was not an April Fool's story in 19855 - about a murder that touched me.  This one was rescued

March 31 (Sat)  Football Socialism - building on a column by Derrick Jackson which pointed out competitiveness of Football which does revenue sharing versus that of baseball which does not.  Also rescued

I am more likely to be visible on education, but some of my most highly rated diaries have been on things like Jim Webb, Civil liberties, and the like.

I actually think that switching topics and interests gives one (PM - 4/9/2007 11:20:26 AM)
perspective on all the topics.  Otherwise one is like, say, a stamp collector who does nothing but collect stamps, and upon hearing of Armageddon thinks: "But what will happen to my stamp collection?"

Ever met a bureaucrat who has had only one job?  "But how will the President's initiative affect the price of soybeans?  I mean I know the war on terror is important but . . .".


Where as I am 98+% ... (A Siegel - 4/11/2007 11:00:53 AM)
Energy / Environment ...

Me too ... (A Siegel - 4/11/2007 11:00:07 AM)
Okay, well I don't spend much time here ... but "me too" ...

94 56 A Siegel 28 0.50