Watch GSA Administrator Laura Doan attempt to dodge and weave! Watch Congressman Braley uncover the ovious politization of the legally non-partisan GSA! Watch the Democratic Congress flip yet another rock and find rampant corruption in every corner of the Bush-Controlled Government! Watch brazen transgressions against the Hatch Act!
Watch the Bush Administration go down not only as the worst Government in American history, but also the Government that discredited Republicanism in America forever!
Reported statements from GSA Administrator Doan to her staff:
How can we use GSA to help our (Republican) canidates in the next election?and
How can we use GSA projects, building openings and the like, to further aid other republicans?
Manoman! Where's my popcorn? I love YouTube!
Much more fun at The Gavel
[UPDATE: It just gets better. GovEXEC has incredible details, including no-bid contracts and extensive personal relationships with lobbyists and massive funding allegations. [here]
This is the first time I've seen this video and it is truly amazing. The abuse of power is rampant..apparently at all levels- and all leading back to the WH via Rove. This is MUST viewing !!
Doan is well educated and ran a computer company, installing Unix systems on Navy ships.
And she can't remember what happened 60 days ago?
I would say she is ......
Rep. Braley, a freshman in Congress, earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Iowa. He served as a trial lawyer in Waterloo since 1983, and was president of the Iowa Trial Lawyers Association.
Hmmm. No wonder he steamrolled her. Besides the fact that she's lying.
We Democrats have an i-m-p-r-e-s-s-i-v-e bunch of young legislators on the Hill.
No surprise, my member of Congress, Thelma Drake, is on the list. The man does know what he's talking about.