British docs rank dangerous drugs; guess where alcohol and tobacco rank?

By: PM
Published On: 3/23/2007 1:16:21 PM

I am presenting this purely for informational purposes because I know some RK readers have a strong interest in drug policy.  A group of British doctors, writing in the Lancet, have ranked commonly abused drugs according to their danger.  Here's a graph, with explanations below.  (Danger highest on left side of graph.)


The researchers said the Brit's ABC grading system was too arbitrary, and failed to give specific information about the relative risks of each drug.

Professor Leslie Iversen, a member of the Academy of Medical Sciences group considering drug policy, said the new system was a "landmark paper".  He said: "It is a real step towards evidence-based classification of drugs."

Here's the glossary explaining what's in some of the categories.

Benzodiazepines: Wide-ranging class of prescription tranquilisers
Buprenorphine: Opioid drug used in treatment of opiate addiction
4-MTA: Amphetamine derivative sold as 'flatliners' and ecstasy
Methylphenidate: Amphetamine-like drug used to treat ADHD
Alkyl nitrites: Stimulant often called amyl nitrites or 'poppers'

I'm no expert in this area (or in any area, some might say) so I can't justify or explain any of these findings.  Just thought you'd like to know.


ADHD Medicines (connie - 3/25/2007 2:35:19 PM)
I once heard a speech by someone who said he had first gotten addicted to Ritalin in college.  Until that moment, I never even knew it was addictive.  Yet I know many parent have been encouraged to give it to their children who also have no idea of is addictive properties and propensity for abuse.

ADHD medicines are well-labeled as stimulants (Andrea Chamblee - 3/25/2007 10:47:21 PM)
FDA has gathered all the product labels here.  There are newer drugs for ADHD that are not stimulants.

I urge everyone to ask their pharmacist for the product label - and NOT the goofy crap the pharmacies put together that is attached to the bag. Those are NOT the FDA-approved instructions. There have been cases where those have left out critical information.