Here's a bit of recent Gerry news from his annual St. Patrick's Day fundraiser held last week.
*Connolly announced that he's running for re-election, talking about his "record of accomplishment" and how Fairfax should "keep a good thing going."*Connolly bragged about Fairfax County having the lowest crime rate in 32 years, the best school system, a AAA bond rating, a 50% decline in gangs over the past three years, progress on affordable housing (1,300 units), the first "Cool County" in the the United States, preservation of 28,000 acres of land, the lowest tax rate in Fairfax County history, etc.
Head on over and ask some questions of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of one of the best run counties in America.
The live blog with Chairman Connolly is actually scheduled for NEXT Thursday at 5:15 PM. James M. and I had a little miscommunication on the scheduling front.
Gerry will be at Taste of the Town in Herndon this evening, but he's looking forward to answering everyone's questions NEXT week.