Dark Ages of Democracy Nearly Over

By: Todd Smyth
Published On: 3/11/2007 4:30:27 PM

The Dark Ages of Europe were dominated by distorted Christian beliefs to justify wars of greed, feudal class disparity between rich and poor, torture of the Inquisition, false imprisonment, abuse of power etc.  Sound familiar?  Just as the extremes of the Dark Ages led to a rebirth or "Renaissance" we are in the midst of a rebirth here in America of our own Democracy.

One of the most frustrating things in American politics are people who rationalize their lack of involvement by saying "There's no difference between Democrats and Republicans."  While there have always been important differences, never before have they been so dramatically clear.  While the Republican Party is offering up the same tired field of grumpy old white men, the Democratic field of 2008 contenders is the most diverse and young in American history. 

While the Republican Party has been taken over by selfish and greedy neocons, the Democratic Party is far too diverse to be taken over by any one group or class of people and that is perhaps it's greatest strength.  The differences are dramatic and clear, we just have to get people to open their eyes and their minds; specifically the neo-cortex.
For more than 30 years Republicans have been tapping into the pre-historic "lizard brain" of our fellow Americans to manipulate their fears and close their minds on issues of security and values.

The Lizard Brain - Where does Judgment come from?

I've recently heard pundits talk about how the 84% of Christian voters, can pick and choose between the Democratic take on Christianity of blessed are the peace makers, feeding the poor and healing the sick, compared to the Republican view of persecuting a women's right to privacy, persecuting gay people and securing the right to pray in public.

While Jesus did clearly say "blessed are the peacemakers" "feed the poor" and "heal the sick" he was not nearly as clear about persecuting women or gay people or praying in public.  In fact, in Matthew 6:5, Jesus specifically tells his disciples not to be like to hypocrites who pray in public and if you read both Romans 1 and Romans 2, Paul does not give his flock permission to persecute sinners as James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson would have their followers believe.  Paul in fact admonishes his flock for persecuting the sinners in Rome because they are also sinners. 

The twisting and distortion of the Bible by Republican Christians has given Christianity a bad name around the world and it's leading to their own downfall.  So go forth and reach out to the young and disaffected voters and point out the clear differences between the Republican and Democratic Parties and let's put an end to these dark ages of our democracy and move forward into a democratic Renaissance in 2008.

American Research Group
poll March 2-5, 2007

Hillary Clinton 34%
Barack Obama 31%
John Edwards 15%
Bill Richardson  2%

Rudy Giuliani 34%
John McCain 30%
Newt Gingrich 12%
Mitt Romney  7%

American Research Group poll March 2-5, 2007

