"Why we need to talk about Iran".

By: vadem
Published On: 3/8/2007 10:40:40 PM

Today, Jon Soltz, leader of the VoteVets organization, wrote his first diary on Kos. He's reaching out heavily to the netroots to help get the message out on the StopIranWar campaign.  This effort is right in line with our fine Senator's bill to prevent Bush from deciding to go to war with Iran without Congressional authority.  Obviously, the message that these men, along with Wes Clark and the entire VoteVets organization, are trying to impart is that war with Iran is high on this president's agenda and it must be prevented.

After the fold, read the intro to "Why we need to talk about Iran", then follow the link to the entire diary and comments, and don't forget to click on www.stopIranWar.com to watch their informative videos, sign the petition, write your representatives and send a message to George Bush.

Before I break cyber-ground here with my first ever diary on Kos I want to acknowledge how impressed I am with the DailyKos community. I'm incredibly grateful for everything they have done to highlight our organization (www.votevets.org) in our fight to hold politicians accountable for flawed military strategies and blatant disregard for veterans' issues.

We owe the success of our Body Armor ad to the amazing response it received on the blogs.

What I really want to focus on today, with this initial blog, is the launch of a joint initiative between VoteVets.org and Ret. General Clark's WesPAC: StopIranWar.com. We've produced a series of Video Blogs that examine how a war with Iran will affect U.S. Security, our troops in Iraq, and the overall stability of the Middle East.

Please don't leave without signing!


Excellent work, "vadem"! (cycle12 - 3/8/2007 11:28:13 PM)
Wes Clark and Jim Webb have been in lock-step on this issue for quite some time, now, and that adds even greater impetus to the need to prevent war with Iran.

I sincerely hope that the grave concerns of two strong leaders like Clark and Webb will be enough to sway public and legislative opinion.

Surely, their exhaustive and extensive experience in matters such as these will lend even greater credibility to their concerns.

Please visit the suggested sites, http://www.VoteVets.... and http://www.StopIranW...

