Kudos to the Post: Standing up for Habeas Corpus

By: mjp
Published On: 3/6/2007 11:43:37 PM

In 2004, when the Supreme Court decided that Guantanamo detainees could challenge the lawfulness of their detention, what did Congress do? With the complicity of our very own John Warner, they passed the Military Commissions Act, taking the power away from the courts to hear cases by a certain class of detainees (enemy alien unlawful mean nasty foreign insert-adjective-of-the-day here combatants). And the courts caved.
Two board members for Constitution Project, Alberto J. Mora and Thomas R. Pickering, published an excellent op-ed piece in last Sunday's post. Mora was General Counsel to the Navy. Pickering was undersecretary of state and ambassador to the UN. We're not talking about the left-fringe here. These are respectable members of the establishment. It seems like everyone knows this is wrong.
