Senator Webb Takes A Stand
By: mosquitopest
Published On: 3/6/2007 10:41:14 AM
Virginia's Senator Jim Webb has introduced legislation that restores the rightful constitutional power--to declare war--back where it the Congress. Webb's Bill would prevent a war against Iran without Congressional power.
U.S. Secretary of State Condi Rice continued to supply "vague" answers to Webb's office on whether the Bush administration believed that Bush had the right to declare war against Iran without Congressional approval.
Webb has the guts to do what needs to be done to restore the checks and balances to our system of law based on the constitution. Hopefully, the rest of Congress will have the guts and the backbone to support Senator Webb's legislation.
It is expected that Webb's proposal can be "grafted" onto the Defense Spending Bill that should reach the floor next week.
Source is The Virginian Pilot
Another Stand (cycle12 - 3/7/2007 4:35:28 AM)
Agreed, "mosquitopest"; Jim Webb has taken yet another gutsy stand on a pressing, vitally important issue facing our nation, and let's just hope that there will be many others willing to follow his lead.
Ah, yes; leadership - such a refreshing change...
Eventually... (Neal2028 - 3/7/2007 5:29:59 PM)
I'm waiting to see Webb chair a committee in the coming years (or a subcommittee in the next year or two). He'll certainly get things done.