Okay, everyone has just seen this diary on Clark. Everyone is hoping to push Clarkies to other camps. Well, they do the same thing to Gore supporters.
I believe we deserve the best candidates and the best campaign for our party, our country, and our future. These candidates include General Wesley Clark and Vice President Al Gore.
I think it's a little premature for anyone to say Clark or Gore are not running. Yes, we all have our doubts. I do too.
But isn't waiting for your favorite candidate worth it?
Or would you just rather settle for someone you sort of believe in? If you like Hillary Clinton, fine. If you like John Edwards, fine. If you like Barack Obama, fine. If you love your candidate, fine.
But just because Gore or Clark hasn't announced doesn't mean it's over, or that we have to support any candidate.
I believe ANY Democrat is going to be better than any Republican President. And when I go to the ballot booth in 2008, I am voting for the donkey. But, isn't right now too early to be locked into a single candidate?
I mean. I love John Edwards work on poverty, love Barack Obama's message of hope and unity. And love Hillary Clinton's promise to provide health care to all of us. However, what if to me that just isn't enough?
We choose our candidates because we believe in them, I will wait and hold out hope for both Clark and Gore should they both decide to run.
I don't know about Gore, but trust me.. Clark is running.
I have a poll below, and answer honestly and candidly is waiting for your dream candidate worth it? Imagine if your candidate hadn't announced yet.
Would you wait?
I would, I am. I wait for Clark.
As usual, in this interview, Wes Clark demonstrates why he is such a good thinker and an excellent potential presidential candidate.
I, too, am prepared to wait for the best.
But.. really why the rush? Are we saying in Clark doesn't announce "he's done".
I don't believe that. Or Gore, "isn't going to have enough support".
Gore or Clark can wait if they want.
If they are the best to you, wait.
Don't settle.
If you found your candidate. Good. If they win, we will ALL support them. It's going to be a great race.
But.. let's slow it down a little.
A Clark supporter named Susan.
I really liked that interview. He didn't pander to the audience. He explained his point even when he knew that this audience wasn't going to be receptive. But of course, the bulk of what he said made the audience become wild with enthusiasm.
I guess we can stand the waiting for a little longer :)
Kill all the birds with all the stones.