Friday, Pelosi sent a letter today to the Chief Administrative Officer of the House directing the 'greening of the Capitol' ...
Starting with her House, our House, Nancy is setting out on the path to Energize America toward a prosperous and sustainable energy future.
On 8 February, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi gave the opening speech to a Global Warming hearing and highlighted the implication of Democratic leadership for confronting global warming from a reality-based policy approach.
for twelve years, the leadership in the House of Representatives stifled all discussion and debate of global warming. That long rejection of reality is over, to the relief of Members on both sides of the aisle.
Yes!!! I can hear many saying. In fact, that short speech is worth a read, as it lays out cogently the obstacle of Bush Administration Global Warming Denial and, as well, the reality that we have in hand what we need to turn toward a better energy future, a prosperous energy future.
(note: for back story on this photo, see: Joe Sestak, Howard Dean, Bill Clinton, My Daughter, and the Swearing In Ceremony ...)
But, back to the letter.
In releasing it, the Speaker's blog (one of the bloggers, Karina), The Gavel states:
Addressing global warming and protecting the environment are vital to protecting the health of all Americans, particularly our children. For the sake of our future generations, America must provide strong leadership to reduce emissions that are responsible for global warming. Increasing use of renewable energy sources, including biofuels, and energy efficiency will help reduce emissions, protecting future generations from this global threat. And as they say, change starts at home.
Change starts at home ... Absolutely ...
So, let us turn to the letter she sent to the House's Chief Administrative Officer:
a critical initiative to address energy conservation, efficiency and cost savings for the U.S. Capitol and congressional office buildings.
Well, as a taxpayer, I celebrate. And, even relatively new buildings are often highly energy inefficient and, well, few Congressional buildings are new. Walmart is spending $500 million a year on energy efficiency and renewable energy - getting a two year payback on the investments. And, no Walmart store is as old as most Congressional offices are. As a taxpayer, I'm thrilled that Nancy will be taking steps that will save us (US) money.
The House of Representatives should provide leadership to the nation in providing an environmentally responsible and healthy working environment for our employees.
Okay, the responsibility is not just to save money, but it is a responsibility to lead as well. Let's not, Nancy is saying, hold a hearing on a blue-stained dress or direct restaurant signs say "Freedom Fries", but lets do something that makes our own home (House) work better as a symbol for the nation. But, as a symbol of what? Note the healthy working environment point. US Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED) certified buildings use far less energy and save on operating costs - but they also have far lower absentee rates. Environmentally friendly buildings are also employee friendly, it seems.
We request that you, in conjunction with your Senate counterparts, undertake a "Green the Capitol" initiative to ensure that the House institutes the most up-to-date industry and government standards for green building and green operating procedures.
As someone who started his working career decades ago in Congressional offices and often goes back to the Hill (including for meetings re Energize America), I can promise you that they are far from up-to-date in terms of any reasonable standard. Congress has more often exempted itself from any standard rather than met them.
This process should include recommendations for benchmarking existing conditions; setting meaningful and measurable goals; timetables for implementing various changes in operating conditions; and measures to report progress on a regular basis.
Benchmarking? Measurable goals? Timetables? Reporting? What, is this going to be open and responsive governance? Are people going to be held accountable for performance? This is something absent from House for over 10 years. Hmm, why might that be the case? This is something that we haven't seen for awhile in Federal governance. (A Brownie, anyone? Doing a good job, no?)
A preliminary report should be provided by April 30, 2007, with final recommendations submitted to us by June 30.
This is certainly not a long, drawn out process in Pelosi's mind. Hopefully, top organizations like Rocky Mountain Institute and Southface will be brought in to help in the effort. And, back to the question of open governance, hopefully their reports and suggestions will be made public.
The Capitol complex should lead the nation in preserving our planet for future generations.
Well, the objective is not just for the Congressional buildings themselves ... not just for the United States ... not just for today ... this letter associates the actions within the House to global implications. From the home to the globe ...
Pelosi is clearly saying that she intends to, that she intends the Democratic majority in the House to lead the way toward a better tomorrow.
Some say that a woman's place is in the house and, in this case, that is absolutely true. Nancy is cleaning House. And when it comes to creating a better energy future, she is working from the House to the Globe.
* Energize America
* You care about a better tomorrow, sit up and face the facts that today's (this century's) reality is: THE Progressive Crises: Global Warming and Peak Oil
* Answer the Call to turn us (US and the world) away from a catastrophic path on Global Warming.
* And ... Imagine Life Differently ... Imagine it Better ... And Seek to create that better life