We've Raised $1,278 in 4 Days. Great Job, Let's Shoot for $2,000!

By: Lowell
Published On: 3/2/2007 8:36:22 AM

The RK/Act Blue netroots fundraising drive has raised $1,278 $1,378 $1,518 in just 4 days, which is 11 days earlier than our original goal of $1,000 in 15 days. Now that we've blown past $1,000, and now that we've added Donald McEachin to our list, how about we shoot for $2,000 by the end of the 15 days? Thanks to everyone who's donated so far! For everyone else, I hope you'll consider donating $25, $50, or whatever you can to any or all of our great netroots candidates. I know they appreciate it, as do Raising Kaine and ActBlue. :)
My contribution: $


You really have been doing great (KTatActBlue - 3/2/2007 1:37:37 PM)
Don't forget to update you candidate list on your donate box in the right column with your latest addition. =)

Done. (Lowell - 3/2/2007 5:09:31 PM)
Thanks for all your help!

test (phriendlyjaime - 3/2/2007 6:37:37 PM)

You passed, apparently! (Lowell - 3/2/2007 7:01:22 PM)