NOL Not Forgotten

By: hereinva
Published On: 2/20/2007 11:49:36 AM

In his January 2007 SOTU address, President Bush did not mention the state of recovery efforts in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina. Why omit mention  of the LARGEST natural disaster in US history..that cost thousands of lives, uprooted thousands of citizens, and have left thousands without housing, or economic relief ? The President's silence on New Orleans sent a very clear message.

In his SOTU reply, Senator James Webb told the nation and the world watching that New Orleans DOES MATTER !

As a country, how are we expected to re-build foreign nations (Iraq) when we do not set priorities in re-building our own New Orleans. I was taught you need to get your house in order before stepping out of your  backyard !

Perhaps most frustrating is learning how much politics played in the whole Katrina recovery process- Governor Blanco has called for a congressional investigation:

Today is Mardi Gras, and yes, they are celebrating in New Orleans. Its the perfect day to re-dedicate
to re-building New Orleans.
