Here's what they have to say about our very own Jim Webb:
...[Does Webb] represent the new Old Dominion Democrat? And is the Old Dominion Democrat the model for the new national Democrat?Webb, Virginia's junior Democratic senator, said he believes so.
He said his opposition to the Iraq war shows working-class people in rural areas that patriotism does not mandate blind support of what he considers to be the Bush administration's failing Iraq policy.
"The Iraq situation, where these people have divided loyalties, makes it difficult for them to oppose an administration during 'a time of war,'" he said. "They have come to understand... why I've taken the position" opposing the White House, including opposition to President Bush's troop surge plan.
This article is a feast for us Webb Democrats and you should take the opportunity to tear through every succulent morsel.
Some delicious quotes:
When the president goes up to the New York Stock Exchange shortly after the State of the Union and talks aobut unfair executive compensation - where did that come from? Did he ever say that before? The things I care about, We're going to stay on them. I think we've already had some impact." - Jim Webb
5 Star!
If you get this cultural group- largely red-state, working-class whites - if you can bring them to the same table with African-Americans, you can remake the dynamics of the American political system."- Jim Webb
Filling, fantastic!
and for dessert...
"Virginia is a microcosm of the United States," he said. "Northern Virginia... is becoming more and more cosmopolitan. Far southwest Virginia is as red as any red state.[..]
What I said on Day One when I started running is the real test for the Democratic Party of the future is this huge swing group of which I'm a part, characterized by the Scotch-Irish [sic]. Are [Democrats] going to let the Reagan Democrats come home again?
It's not just delicious. This is healthfood for the Democratic party, to keep us running strong for the long haul.
Go on over and have a heapin' helpin'. Bon appetit!
In 2005, when we were looking for a champion to re-direct the DLC-drifting Democratic party, made up of poll watchers, failed pundits, and a loser class of consultants, those of us who encountered Jim Webb literally jumped for joy.
His message was too powerful not to ignore, because it fit precisely the need for the reinvigoration of the Democratic Party.
John Kerry said that it was a mistake to look south. He was never more wrong. We have to fight for every area of the nation, because in order to earn the right to govern all Americans, Democrats must represent the interests of all Americans.
I'm proud to call myself a Jim Webb Democrat; prouder every day.
We all knew better, but let the dried fruitcake pundits and the bigots of the republican core continue to make the same mistake. It will be easier to clean their clocks.
"The guy is Secretariat."
Economic populism is the avenue for Dems to retake the South and the Heartland.
Webb is pitch perfect for where we need to take our politics much less our country.
Kerry was dead wrong and so is that idiot Tom Schaller who wrote that piece of trash book, "Whistling Past Dixie".
People can say what they will about Howard Dean and I have my own problems with his methods. But when he was running for president he said something in that same speech about guys with confederate flags on their trucks. what he said was in reference to health care. It was a crowd of largely African American people and he said, (loose quote)"You know those guys driving around in pickup trucks with confederate flag decals? Well their kids don't have health care either." The crowd roared. This is something that will resonate with all crowds. We can actually make the GOP come out and fight us in the countryside.
Agree 100%. By the way, I just realized what your name means! That's one of my favorite books, I can't believe I didn't pick up on that before!
Steve -- more items to come & portions of sales will go to webb's bornfighting PAC :)
Per my subject line, I think we all learned during the Webb campaign that just one volunteer's efforts can make the difference between winning and losing. I can't imagine a more powerful motivator than knowing that if I work as hard as possible, especially recruiting volunteers who become my "force multipliers", there is nothing that is impossible to achieve.
Mack said if Jim doesn't believe it, it won't happen - obviously implying the reverse that if he does believe it, it will happen. Therefore, if we believe we can take on any task and win we already know from experience that we will (not just can) succeed.
As Josh has said so well, I feel prouder every day that I am a Jim Webb Democrat. BTW, I don't say "God Bless America". He (or She if you prefer) has already blessed us in many ways, not the least of which is sending us a Senator who is already leading us out of the wilderness.
If you are a reader or contributer here on RK.. and have a profile on either site.. join "Webb Democrats"
And we will show them (Republicans) the way.