RK, NLS, Virginia Blogosphere Highlighted on Blog Talk Radio

By: Lowell
Published On: 2/8/2007 7:15:03 PM

This afternoon, there was a fascinating discussion about local blogging over on Blog Talk Radio (very cool and easy, by the way, you should think about having your own show!).  Among other things, Not Larry Sabato," Raising Kaine, and the Virginia blogosphere in general got some nice "shout outs."

For my summary of this afternoon's show, click here.  For the actual show, click here.  The bottom line is that local blogs are taking off, while national blogs are leveling off.  That certainly is reflected by the incredible growth in the SoapBlox community the past year or so! :)


And there's a reason the regional ones are taking off (PM - 2/8/2007 8:40:05 PM)
We've just had a spirited (ha!) discussion about the Marcotte/Edwards affair.  Dan G and others have articulately presented one view; others have jumped on him but we've generally kept our cool.  (Reluctantly, I put my voodoo doll away.)  There is a consensus about Donahue, but that's about all.

Unfortunately on some of the national blogs the discussion is very weak.  I love Americablog, but the comments there are pretty much along the lines of "hey, dude"  "bummer"

Some other blogs with good "lead" or editorial text regrettably do not welcome comments.

This blog has developed a community (I still say we need a party to meet one another) and commenters really put time into their comments.  I don't know why some blogs take off and others fail.  But I do know the RK community cares enough about the issues to think about them and work on them, and not just blow off steam.  (Though we do some of the latter too.)