"Draft Mark Warner"

By: Lowell
Published On: 8/27/2005 1:00:00 AM

There's an excellent article in today's Richmond Times-Dispatch about the group, "Draft Mark Warner."  According to the article, "the organization now has grassroots organizers in 23 states."  In addition, according to Eddie Ratliff, chairman of the Draft Mark Warner effort, the group has already bought domain names for first-in-the-nation caucus and primary states Iowa and New Hampshire.  Looks like these guys aren't messing around!

I've got to say that I'm interested this on several levels.  First, I find Mark Warner a highly intriguing candidate for the Democrats in 2008, either as President or Vice President.  Second, the organizer of Draft Mark Warner was heavily involved in the successful Draft Wesley Clark effort, for which I ran two websites during 2003/2004.  Third, I find what Eddie Ratliff is doing to be inspirational.  As Ratliff says, "Through grassroots organizing, you can make a difference in politics."  I couldn't agree more, and am attempting to do just that -- along with numerous others -- for Tim Kaine and other Democratic candidates this year in Virginia.  Fourth, I'm hoping for my dream ticket in 2008 of Wes Clark/Mark Warner (or possibly vice versa), and right now things are looking pretty good.  Fifth, there's the whole Mark Warner-George Allen rivalry, possibly for 2006 but most likely for 2008.  Finally, I believe that Mark Warner's 2008 ambitions make a victory by his loyal lieutenant, Tim Kaine, all the more important in November.  For that reason, I expect to see a LOT of Mark Warner out on the trail stumping for Tim Kaine, Leslie Byrne and Creigh Deeds during September and October.

Anyway, great work by Eddie Ratliff and the Draft Mark Warner crew (full disclosure: I'm a member of the DraftMarkWarner Yahoo group).  This should be interesting...stay tuned!
