Bush Misleads and Distorts Once Again

By: Lowell
Published On: 1/24/2007 9:29:44 AM

In reviewing Bush State of the Union speech last night, the old joke about "how do you know so-and-so is lying; his lips are moving" comes to mind.  In today's Washington Post, Glenn Kessler gives us a few doozies:

*"Bush also claimed that "we have a diplomatic strategy that is rallying the world to join in the fight against extremism." But Monday, a poll of 26,000 people in 25 countries was released that showed that global opinion of U.S. foreign policy has sharply deteriorated in the past two years."

Can anyone come up with a recent example of the world joining us in the fight against extremism?

*"On domestic policy, Bush at one point said that "the recovery" has added more than 7.2 million jobs since August 2003. But the net number of jobs created since Bush became president in January 2001, is much lower -- just 3.6 million."

As the saying goes, there are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics.  In this case, Bush is using statistics to mislead, forgetting about all the layoffs, outsourcing, and other job losses that have occurred on his watch.

*"Bush claimed credit for cutting the budget deficit ahead of schedule and proposed to eliminate it over the next five years. He did not mention that he inherited a huge budget surplus -- $236 billion in 2000 -- compared with a $296 billion deficit in the 2006 fiscal year, largely as a result of Bush's tax cuts and spending increases."

This one makes me particularly angry, because the Clinton Administration worked hard to undue the mess left to them by Reagan and Bush 41.  Then, in just a year or two, Bush 43 undid all that good work. Heckuva job!
*"Bush claimed that the No Child Left Behind Act has helped students to "perform better at reading and math, and minority students are closing the achievement gap." But states made stronger average annual gains in reading during the decade before the law took effect, education researchers have found..."

Minor details.  By the way, can we say "unfunded federal mandate?"

*Bush said "The Shia and Sunni extremists are different faces of the same totalitarian threat."

In reality, the Sunnis and the Shi'ites are not part of a monolithic bloc, let alone a monolithic "enemy."  Who IS "the enemy," anyway?  Is it Saudi Arabia, the country which gave the world Osama bin Laden, not to mention 15 of 19 hijackers on 9/11?  How about Pakistan, which is almost certainly where Bin Laden plus other top Al Qaeda and Taliban figures are living. 

*Speaking of Pakistan, what on earth does Bush mean when he says, "We didn't drive Al Qaida out of their safe haven in Afghanistan only to let them set up a new safe haven in a free Iraq?" 

Last time I checked, Al Qaeda left its "safe haven" in Afghanistan for Pakistan and many other countries around the world.  Before we invaded Iraq, Al Qaeda wasn't there.  Is Bush saying that our invasion of Iraq drew Al Qaeda fighters to that country instead of to other countries?  And if true (I strongly doubt it, by the way), what is this accomplishing?

*Talking about the Middle East, Bush says that "we advance our own security interests by helping moderates, reformers and brave voices for democracy." 

In other words, Bush lumps all those groups together. Yet, "moderates" like Egypt and Saudi Arabia are certainly not reforming. In Egypt, for instance, the government has cracked down on pro-reform and democratic elements, and we have done nothing about it.  The point is, the Bush Administration can't have it both ways, supporting the "moderates" (I suppose, defined as not violently and overtly anti-Western?) while also pushing democracy and reform.  And, despite the Bush Administration's rhetoric on the subject, it is obvious that when push comes to shove, they choose "moderate" (albeit authoritarian or even totalitarian) over democratic/reformist pretty much every time.

I'm sure there are a lot more distortions in Bush's speech.  Go through it carefully, and see how many you can find.  Fun for the whole family! :)


Another Bush tall tale? (Lowell - 1/24/2007 9:51:19 AM)
See here, this time on NBA basketball player, Dikembe Mutombo.  Well, at least it's not as serious as claming that "Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."  Heh.

I can't say (Jambon - 1/24/2007 10:21:43 AM)
that i'm surprised.  lying is par for the course with that bunch.

btw, that Bushoccio pic is priceless!  did you make that? 

Lowell (Gordie - 1/24/2007 10:50:55 AM)
You have done it again. Nailed that lame, lame, lame duck to the wall with all his lies. I know you will come up with all the data about his lies with tax cuts for Health Insurance. Fast figuring has a single tax payer with a $7500 credit, which amounts to about $1,800 actual cash. At $300 a month that is only half of what is needed, plus a person has to spend their own money and wait till April the following year to get it back. Plus with a tax credit, how may companies with Health Plans will start dropping their plans. The more I hear from this idiot the more I wonder how 50 percent of this country could be so stupid for 6 years.
Thank God the Democrats are in power. Guess what they are going to save his Presidentcy for him, so he better listen to them carefully and follow their advice.

How about a lower income family of four (Catzmaw - 1/24/2007 12:02:36 PM)
making about $34,000 a year?  They're making too much for most assistance but they wouldn't benefit from the full tax credit either.  The less you earn the less the benefit from this plan.  Plus, you know what they're really promoting is cafeteria plans.  People would opt for just enough coverage to receive the tax benefit, but it wouldn't be comprehensive as most employer provided plans and they'll still end up picking up big charges with deductibles and coverage ceilings.

Where to start? (madgranny - 1/24/2007 3:06:58 PM)
How about the line on chasing the enemy out of Afghanistan? Well since we turned our back on that, the taliban is coming back strong. Watch out for that big spring offensive.
Bush's gobbledy-gook on the shias and sunnis was for one purpose, as far as I could tell. This admin always has to try to scare us and to connect Iraq with the GWOT. Btw, where was the mention of the 9/11 hijackers all originating from Saudi Arabia?
Finally on NCLB - well, let's just ask teacherken. And the line about leaving failed schools for better schools screamed "voucher" to me, which virtually insures a failed public school policy and a "surge" in fundamentalist private schools.