*"The number of Americans using the internet as their main source of political news doubled since the last mid-term election."
*"31% of Americans - more than 60 million people - used the internet for political purposes in campaign 2006."
*"A new online political elite is emerging as 23% of campaign internet users became online political activists."
*The younger you are, the more you get your political news from the internet. Under 36, it's 35%. Between 36 and 50, it's 22%. Over 51, it's 17%.
*"Campaign internet users took advantage of online political resources in many ways, but most commonly checked candidates' positions on the issues."
*"The online political activist cohort is socially upscale and techembracing."
*"Voters aren't always looking for information that supports their point of view. Many seek contrary material."
*"The American news mediascape is in flux" but "[t]elevision still wins the political news horserace - by a wide margin."
*Campaign internet users are disproportionately well educated, with 49% having a college degree (or more) and 26% having "some college." In other words, 75% of campaign internet users have at least some college education. This compares to about 27% of the overall population having a college degree and about 21% having "some college," for a total of 48% with some college. (Side note: Kenton might be interested to know that only 4% of campaign internet users have less than a high school degree. More proof that Kenton is amazing! :))