Need a Laugh?.....Ladies and Gentlemen, President Gilmore
By: Chris Guy
Published On: 1/16/2007 2:34:38 AM
Virginia Republican, Alan Keyes disciple, and crazy person James Atticus Bowden is all aboard the Jim Gilmore Express. All right let's see, this brings the Gilmore '08 bandwagon to a total of two people: James Atticus Bowden and James S. Gilmore, III.
In his recent column, Why Jim Gilmore can be president, Bowden argues that Gilmore can and will be the next POTUS.
Gilmore fills the void Sen. George Allen left after he self-destructed this fall. Moreover, he stands taller than the few fellows running now who share the Right.
Yes, because this race needs a REAL conservative. That's the rationale Gilmore used to jump into the race. And so did Mitt Romney and Sam Brownback and Duncan Hunter and Tommy Thompson and Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee (oops, sorry; apparently Huckabee's first name is now "David," at least according to the well-informed Bowden) and the next 4 or 5 Republicans openly flirting with running for President.
By the way, I'm picking on Virginia's former Governor but I actually am a big fan. After all, Gimore gave us Governor Mark Warner, who in turn brought us Governor Tim Kaine. Hell, without Gilmore (and the backlash to Gilmore here in Virginia), we might still have Senator Allen and a GOP-controlled U.S. Senate!
All in all, what this article by Bowden says about the 2008 Republican nomination race is right on the money. Republicans have had eight years to come up with a decent crop of candidates to succeed George W. Bush. Yet, the current GOP field is a joke. God Bless America.
Reposting JTERP's comment with fewer "ha's" :) (Lowell - 1/16/2007 8:14:09 AM)
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (4.00 / 1) [delete comment]
IP Address:
catch my breath.
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! hahahaahah!
President Jim Gilmore?
Ah. That felt good.
by: JPTERP @ Tue Jan 16, 2007 at 06:56:58 AM EST
And Jambon's reply... (Lowell - 1/16/2007 8:14:46 AM)
LOL! damn... (4.00 / 1) [delete comment]
IP Address:
You laughed so hard you knocked the RK front page off center!!!
$5.15 is NOT ENOUGH!
by: Jambon @ Tue Jan 16, 2007 at 07:11:14 AM EST
Gotta talk to the SoapBlox people about this! (Lowell - 1/16/2007 8:15:08 AM)
I'm going to go out on a limb (Chris from ASL - 1/16/2007 9:42:34 AM)
and say that Gilmore will not even win in Poquoson...where I grew up...
FAIRTAX (DukieDem - 1/16/2007 9:57:58 AM)
Where is my fairtax plan Governor Gilmore? Someone on the right has to be the fiscally irresponsible, batshit crazy Grover Norquist candidate, and I'm not sure I want to live in an America where Gilmore isn't that man.
Move over J.K. Rowling (Chris Guy - 1/16/2007 10:14:37 AM)
This is just the first in a series by Bowden on the Gilmore ascension. Next up,
How Gilmore Wins. Pass the popcorn.
Is it just me... (DanG - 1/16/2007 12:44:20 PM)
Or is Bowden's article a wee bit prejudiced against Mormons? I mean, he compares Mormonism, one of the fastest growing religions worldwide, to Wicca...basically old fashioned witchcraft.
Yep...I think he just just called the Mormon faith witchcraft.
yeah I noticed too. (thegools - 1/17/2007 12:37:07 AM)
I think it is great that the right has begun eating itself. Fundies against Mormans....that seems like a winning GOP policy......for Democrats.
Come on everyone... (novademocrat - 1/16/2007 2:05:02 PM)
Jim Gilmore would be a good President......of the Club for Growth. I really hope he becomes the Republicans nominee - it will only guarantee that Democrats win the Presidency in 2008. Hell, we might even pick up a few more Congressional and Senate seats because this guy will have no coattails.
I am strongly rooting for Gilmore to be the (Lowell - 1/16/2007 2:15:19 PM)
Republican nominee. Just the thought of it right now has my keyboard covered in drool...mmmmmmmmm, Gilmore for President! :)