Considering that I'd never even heard of this person before (and the flyer gives no info on party affiliation, platform or anything else), the odds of my giving money to her were, as they say, "Slim to none, and Slim just left the room."
So I Google the gal. Turns out that Vellie is a Filipino lady, who was among the minority faces trotted out to stand next to George Allen after he introduced America to the word "macaca."
Before that, she was appointed by George W. Bush to serve on the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The Commission appears to be a thinly veiled effort by the Republicans to boost their appeal to Asian voters. (Nice try, guys GÇô Asians still voted 2-1 for Democrats last November.)
Other than that, she seems to be yet another Beltway bandit, the most-beloved kind, a well-heeled Defense Department contractor.
So let us welcome this new poster child for Republican tokenism to Fairfax County politics. And let's help her come up with a campaign slogan. How about this: "Sometimes it pays to be a macaca!"
But any supporter of Allen is no one I'll be supporting.
Furthermore, it appears that she's already been schooled in the world of dirty tricks. Leaving off party affiliation or positions on issues and just asking for money is not on the up and up. Ok, it's not down to Rove/Wadhams standards yet, but she's certainly off on the wrong foot.
I guess that she's worried the big red GOP label will doom her efforts so she's trying to hide it. Problem is, when she's exposed for such trickery people will dislike her, not just her party.
So good luck to her and this strategy. We can only hope that more Republican candidates choose to take a similar low road.
Let's face it, the norm these days is to put the candidates name and the office they are running for on the bumper sticker or sign.
It is hard to see how this name and office only qualifies as such a terrible thing...
Look around the district these days - trash on the streets, houses being overrun by multitudes of people, medians no longer being maintained by VDOT nor the County, grafitti everywhere and eyesore mcmansions popping up in older neighbors.
Oh, and by the way, did I happen to mention that our taxes go up every year.
Gross is a do-nothing - like most Democrats. We need change on the Fairfax County Board. Now, more than ever.