Liberals and conservatives at age 3

By: Andrea Chamblee
Published On: 1/9/2007 1:34:48 PM

photo credit: Future liberal and conservative?

Peter Carlson is the magazine writer atWaPo and is always worth a read. Today he reports on a story called "The Ideological Animal," in the January/February issue of Psychology Today.

In 1969, two Berkeley professors studied the personalities of nursery school children.

Twenty years later . . . the profs found the kids, who were 23 years old, and asked them whether they were conservatives or liberals.

The ones who called themselves liberals had been described by their nursery school teachers as "self-reliant, energetic, impulsive and resilient."

The 23-year-old conservatives had been described as "easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited and vulnerable at age 3."

Carlson shows a bit of his witty side with his conclusion to conservatives: "If you don't like [the researcher's] conclusions, send your irate letters directly to him. Don't send them to me. I can't stand it when my nice clean desk gets all cluttered with hate mail."

While this is all humorous, it also exposes the importance of good early education. I try not to be a conspiracy theorist; continued Republican underfunding of good pre-school may not be a conscious goal, but it seems to be one of the best ways to guarantee future membership in the far-right wing.  No wonder kids grow up to exhibit those 3-year-old qualities of imagined victimization, offense, fear, and rigidity. Karl Rove must know this. Does it factor into their funding priorities?


Liberals read books, Conservatives watch TV (Lowell - 1/9/2007 2:39:34 PM)
According to the Psychology Today article:

Liberals have more books, and their books cover a greater variety of topics. And that's just a start. Multiple studies find that liberals are more optimistic. Conservatives are more likely to be religious. Liberals are more likely to like classical music and jazz, conservatives, country music. Liberals are more likely to enjoy abstract art. Conservative men are more likely than liberal men to prefer conventional forms of entertainment like TV and talk radio. Liberal men like romantic comedies more than conservative men. Liberal women are more likely than conservative women to enjoy books, poetry, writing in a diary, acting, and playing musical instruments.

This is interesting as well, and explains a lot:

The study's authors also concluded that conservatives have less tolerance for ambiguity, a trait they say is exemplified when George Bush says things like, "Look, my job isn't to try to nuance. My job is to tell people what I think," and "I'm the decider." Those who think the world is highly dangerous and those with the greatest fear of death are the most likely to be conservative.

Hmm, explains the failure of the right blogsphere (Hugo Estrada - 1/10/2007 1:30:32 PM)
Liberal women are more likely than conservative women to enjoy books, poetry, writing in a diary, acting, and playing musical instruments.

If they don't like writing, well, that pretty much means that they cannot function well on internet communities.

Duds (seveneasypeaces - 1/10/2007 4:50:43 PM)
I find that they just like asking stupid questions, they want us to waste time writing what they won't read. 

Here's the entire article (MV Democrat - 1/9/2007 2:45:42 PM)

great to see you posting diaries again! (Rob - 1/9/2007 3:14:21 PM)

Just a lunchtime quickie ;-) (Andrea Chamblee - 1/10/2007 12:11:43 AM)
For the long research diaries in the queue, I still have an all-points-bulletin out for a partner.

To zzzz or Not to zzzzz (seveneasypeaces - 1/9/2007 3:29:39 PM)
I remember an article about 5 years ago that discussed the sleeping patterns of liberals and conservatives.  Apparently conservatives have A LOT of nightmares.  They sure create them!  I'd have to search for the article, maybe I'll have time.

I was wrong (Bubby - 1/9/2007 4:13:11 PM)
I always assumed that conservatives had been dropped on their heads during childhood. Then again, maybe that's where the fear and vulnerability come from. 

Very funny. I LOL'd. (Andrea Chamblee - 1/9/2007 5:07:41 PM)
But I don't advise conservatives to drop them on their heads to make sure their children's politics is in line with the rest of the family.

Look at Republicans These Days (Rebecca - 1/9/2007 6:42:26 PM)
I've noticed the adult Republicans are looking bloated with frustration lately,kind of like one of Bush's frogs getting ready to explode. I'll bet baby George was a real whiner who got out his frustrations torturing animals. Hmmmm... not much has changed, has it, except the animals are now human beings.

My daughter (Politicalhack - 1/9/2007 7:02:00 PM)
My daughter Tabitha is most definitely a liberal by these standards.

Congratulations to you and your family (pitin - 1/10/2007 3:42:12 PM)