Wes Clark Supporters Unite - and Vote! (cycle12 - 1/9/2007 11:53:25 AM)
Come on, "Wes Clark for President '08" supporters! We can't let the rest of the field get ahead of us, even if Wes hasn't even declared his candidacy yet.
We all KNOW that Wes is the best possible candidate for President in 08!
Please vote for Wes Clark again in this poll - I just did...
I really hope Wes runs... (Jambon - 1/9/2007 12:49:29 PM)
but i sure haven't heard any indication he's doing so.
Given that he jumped into the race late in 04', one wouldn't think he'd make the same mistake again!
He won't be late this time (vadem - 1/9/2007 10:01:55 PM)
He said recently that he has learned from his mistakes last time and will not be making the same ones again. Wes is one smart cookie, so don't look for a late entry into this race.
As for signs that he's running...they're there. Hang on to your hat. In the meantime, go to this MyDD Poll and vote for him.
Undeclared Presidential Candidate Wes Clark Gaining Ground! (cycle12 - 1/10/2007 10:21:55 AM)
It has been most interesting to check on this poll for the past few days and to watch undeclared potential 2008 presidential candidate General Wesley K. Clark continue to gain ground on the field, including now (Wednesday morning, January 10) coming in second only to current front-runner and rececently declared candidate/former U. S. Senator from North Carolina, John Edwards.
Would someone who has an inside track with Clark's organization please find a way to encourage him to make the decision and to announce his candidacy as soon as possible if he does intend to run? Is there anything that Wes Clark supporters here on RK can do along these lines?
We do not need a repeat of 2003/2004, especially the travesty that occurred on November 2, 2004, and for which we will paying - in innumerable ways - for many years to come.
Your friend, Jim Webb did it, Wes; it's time...