H-1b truths revealed in H-1b holder's question

By: relawson
Published On: 1/1/2007 1:53:38 PM

Many of you have probably heard my H-1b line for some time now.  I want to provide an example, based upon a question posed in Yahoo's Answers service.

Here is the question:

How can I convince my employer to sponsor me for a green card?

My employer is reluctant to sponsor me for a green card, because they are afraid that I will leave the company after I get my green card. They want to wait until my H-1B visa expires (6 years). How could I possibly convince them to do it earlier?

One of the responses just amazes me:

Offer to sign a contract that binds you as an employee for the next six
years. Let them know, in writing, your request and why you want a green
card. Maybe your reasons will be convincing to them. Your contract
should be fair to you... but also allow for your employer to recoup
their loss if you should leave the company once you have received your
green card.

Folks, this is what is wrong with the H-1b program.  It is an indentured servant vehicle.  Workers are prevented from finding jobs on the free market because of the "Greecard Carrot".  Because of this, these workers will eat dirt in order to remain in our country.  Why, as an American should you care?  First, hopefully you have some sense of ethics and responsibility.  But if you don't, the reason is simple: we are forced to compete against these exploited workers.  Companies prefer exploitable labor to us, and additionally the lower wages that bring in puts downward pressures on our own.  Basic economics.

My response to this H-1b holder is as follows:

This is why we call the H-1b visa an "Indentured Servant Visa". Your
employer is scum for not sponsoring you for the greencard. They should
be ashamed. This is nothing more than a corporate subsidy and what I
personally call "slavery-light".

Join BrightFutureJobs.org or noslaves.org and help change the arcane
H-1b visa laws. The H-1b harms both American and foreign workers. The
only purpose is to meet the desires of corporations to have an
exploitable class of labor.

The H-1b should be banned. If there is a shortage in an occupation,
that shortage should be proven through independent numbers - not
industry numbers. Foreign workers entering that occupation should be
given a green card instantly, so that they can work on the free market.
The current system ties to an employer making you the most vulnerable in our

Good Luck. 


Pass Pascrell (TurnVirginiaBlue - 1/1/2007 3:28:18 PM)
We need to get re-introduced and actually passed (and considering just how many worker focused bills got through congress, this is one lofty goal), The Defend the American Dream Act.

It will stop the tethering of a H-1B to one employer in order to get a green card plus stop the replacing of US/perm engineers for paid way less H-1Bs.