From Cox's letter, here's the paragraph that MIGHT give one that impression:
"Of the 17 candidates NRA endorsed for the U.S. Senate, eight won their races. What really matters, however, was that there was a net loss of only one pro-gun seat - our good friend Jim Talent was defeated in Missouri. Four pro-gun freshmen in the Senate include: Democrats Jon Tester of Montana, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania and Jim Webb of Virginia, along with Republican Bob Corker of Tennessee."
Now, we all know that Jim Webb is a long-time, loyal NRA member and a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, but he was NOT endorsed by the NRA in this past month's U. S. Senate election.
In fact, we know that the NRA endorsed Jim Webb's incumbent Republican opponent for that office, and I still have one of their yellow pre-election postcards, just in case there's any doubt about it.
In spite of that lack of an endorsement from the NRA here in FORMER "red state" Virginia, Jim Webb won his election to the U. S. Senate as did Governor Tim Kaine to that office in 2005 under very similar circumstances.
Please read Mr. Cox's letter and make additional comments here if you are of a mind to do so.
And please be sure to read between the lines, too.
George Allen did do some deer hunting. Of course he liked to stick the deer heads in black-folk's mailboxes while peeling away and shouting "n$%$%r". Now that is classy.
Macaca got traction and that story got burried - makes you wonder.
So yeah, Allen did know a thing or two about guns. It's his use of guns that is most concerning.