Biden to run in 2008 - First candidate for '08 I strongly oppose

By: relawson
Published On: 12/17/2006 9:44:34 PM

Interview with AP: http://cosmos.bcst.y...

Looks like we have our first candidate that I outright oppose.  I am not clear as to why Biden has chosen to run, but in my view his positions are not progressive at all.  He is a part of the "old guard" and I think that they have failed us miserably when it comes to the economic issues. 

Do you have similar coolness towards a Biden bid in 2008, or are you warm to the idea? 


struggle w/in (TurnVirginiaBlue - 12/17/2006 9:50:05 PM)
There is no doubt there is major stuggle within the party and I for one want to see someone stand up to corporate and special interests running.

That's most assuredly not Biden, Mr. "bankruptcy bill" and "free" trade.

Vanity Campaign (JPTERP - 12/18/2006 3:19:52 PM)
sums it up for me.

I would probably vote for McCain or Guilani if the choice was Biden.

I caught his talk about the situation in Iraq on C-span (Catzmaw - 12/18/2006 10:04:42 PM)
and can certainly agree with a lot of his points.  He made some excellent ones, but I can't support anyone who supported the bankruptcy bill and it's time for the progressives to march to the front and start insisting on some real trade reform.  He hasn't done much for labor or the little people, either, and he's been in the Senate forever.  Has he done anything for universal health care? 

Biden makes some sense... (bladerunner - 12/19/2006 8:13:53 PM)
I for one agree with him on Pulling the hell out of Iraq. I think he is a good foreign policy wonk. I am not familiar with some of the other issues he has been involved in--so I can't comment, but Like the person who said he would vote for Guiliani over Biden, comparatively I would vote for Guiliani over Hillary.

That being said Hillary is doing a good job In New York, so stay! (bladerunner - 12/19/2006 8:19:04 PM)